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QI Ambulance Network Event- Creating Quality Improvers From The Frontline

On the 15th May members from the Horizons team will be travelling up to the beautiful city of Edinburgh to support the Ambulance Quality Improvement Network.  It’s the QI network's first official event, and the day's focus will be creating quality improvers from the frontline and beyond.

The event will be held at the Royal College of Surgeons, and there will also be an optional informal networking dinner in the famous Watsons Library afterwards.

To aim of the event is to bring together quality improvement leaders from across all ambulance services to learn, share and work together to enhance the network that can make a difference to patients and staff. It's all about collaborating, sharing ideas, and good practice. By the end of the day, they want to have strengthened the existing network of ambulance service QI links through co-creation, and set a sense of purpose and direction for the following 12 months.

If you would like to attend the event please register via

The event will include a key note address from Helen Bevan about translating the latest thinking on change and change agency to the frontline. We will also include a preview of the latest thoughts and theory in relation to spread and scale of innovation (read more from Diane Ketley). There will also be an overview from the Q Community about national improvement (linking to Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs)).

The day was made possible after members of the Q Community special interest group including Andrew Parker from Scotland and Sarah Williamson from Northern Ireland successfully bid to access funds from the Health Foundation. 

Andrew was very keen to get the initial meeting of the QI network ambulances set up:

“Through conversation with colleagues in the Ambulance Q network it’s clear we have similar challenges in engaging frontline staff, the day aims to share existing knowledge and experience to engage ambulance staff to enable quality improvement at the frontline.

"The opportunity to come together will enable us to share resources regarding improvement science which address some of the challenge and to engage with each other and plan shared work.

"Sharing learning and working together to engage staff in improving services at pace will support meaningful links with existing quality improvement work such as #ProjectA“.

 Andrew’s confident approach and desire to make a change is shared by our School for Change Agents.

 The School for Change Agents builds change agency which is the power, individually and collectively, to make a difference. The 2019 cohort starts on 16 May; it's free to join, and open to anyone. The five weekly webinars are available to watch live, or on catch-up. Sign up now!

We are really proud of the Ambulance QI Network and are very excited to be attending the event. We look forward to the network growing and developing.

See you all in Bonny Scotland.

Sharing learning and working together to engage staff in improving services at pace will support meaningful links with existing quality improvement work such as #ProjectA Andrew Parker Scottish Ambulance Service


projecta, ambulanceqi, horizonsnhs, theqcommunity