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Tweets of the Week 29th July, 2022

Welcome to Tweets of the Week! The one stop shop for the best of improvement tweets and knowledge from The Horizons team and beyond. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).  


Crowdsourcing for Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) is live!   

Have your say by registering on the platform here and start sharing your thoughts & comments on the four challenges:

  • Helping find people find the right urgent care service 
  • Increase use of technology to improve urgent care 
  • Support ambulance services to work differently 
  • What are your examples of good urgent care

The platform is open to new ideas until Friday 19 August 2022. Anyone is welcome to take part, so let's keep #SolvingTogether!  

“The NHS responds to more than 110 million urgent calls or visits every year, so it is essential that urgent and emergency care (#UEC) services work effectively for everyone” - @NHSEnglandNMD

Join in  #SolvingTogether now by clicking here.

It is great to see so much enthusiasm for the Urgent and Emergency Care challenges on the #SolvingTogether platform. Thank you @MattEdgar.

Anyone is welcome to share their ideas! So let's keep #SolvingTogether now by clicking here you can help to shape the urgent and emergency care (UEC) strategy.


Do you find spread and scale a challenge?

If you do watch the Spreading change and improvement across systems awards from The Big Conversation for Improvement digital goody bag by clicking here. Read more on 'Spread and the NHS Big Conversation' by clicking here.


Here Helen tells us how she relates to this story of the bamboo tree

  • Plant seeds for change, understanding results might take a while 
  • Continue to take consistent action, even if immediate evidence is lacking 
  • Have faith and don't tamper

Click here to read 'The Secret to Success from the Chinese Bamboo Tree' for more information.  

If you want to make collective decisions as a team, consider this list of 15 methods. They're designed to be used by autonomous work teams, but also useful for decision-making in problem-solving workshops. You will need to sign up needed to download them, click here to access the methods.

How we go about change depends on our prevalent belief system: Do we 

1) change structures, rules & levers or

2) create space for people to come together with shared purpose to co-design change?  

See more on this here.

7 rules for dissenters/rebels in organisations who want to get heard & have influence: 

  1. Demonstrate your benefit
  2. Pass the "threat test" 
  3. Tailor your message
  4. Show data/evidence 
  5. Address risks
  6. Use "we" not "I" 
  7. Get support

Click here to read '7 Rules for Persuasive Dissent' for more information.


We need to create a different future for health and care by thinking and doing things differently. What function enables this? It is leadership: the function that creates the space for creativity to happen. A refreshing perspective of leadership. Click here to read 'Leadership Is The Function That Produces Creativity' for more insight.

Research suggests a leader's positive energy is the single most powerful predictor of organisational performance. Unlike physical or mental energy, positive relational energy doesn’t diminish with use; it grows. We can choose to build it. Click here to read 'Is It More Important To Surround Yourself With Positive Energy or Be the Origin of It?' for more information on this topic.


On Sunday, @HelenBevan and @goranhenriks made a presentation at #quality2022 about their seven simple rules for leaders who want to create tomorrow today. Here is the blog they both wrote for @BMJLeader that sets out the approach behind the seven rules. Click here to read the blog.

The first of the simple rules is to define "our shared purpose". Each word is important:

  • 1) Our (who are our people?)
  • 2) Shared (what unites us?) 
  • 3) Purpose (why are we taking action?)  

The third simple rule is to predict & prevent: to focus on the steps ahead or before us in a value process, enabling us to optimise health & increase the likelihood of things going right.

The fourth simple rule is to support people to build their agency at every level of the system. Agency means power & ability to make choices & act on them. Agency lets the people with the best ideas action change.

A revolution is happening in quality improvement. The shift from "Quality 1.0" to "Quality 3.0" moves us from hitting standards to co-producing health. This paper (a work in progress) is open for comments. Click here to access the paper.


tweets of the week