11/6/2019 9:40:48 AM #ProjectA Mental Health Basic Step Tool: Sir Peter Carr Award Finalists By Lynsey Oates We are delighted and proud that Darren Earley and Gill Drummond are finalists in the 2019 Sir Peter Carr Partnership Award for their...
10/21/2019 3:12:39 PM Reflections on Shadowing Welsh Ambulance Crews By Lynsey Oates Ian Baines On 1st October at 7.30am my colleague Lynsey and I found ourselves in a draughty ambulance service station in the centre of Cardiff,...
10/17/2019 1:48:11 PM #ProjectA Series of Improvement Talks By Lynsey Oates Ian Baines Over the next few months we have an exciting schedule of virtual talks about improvement in the ambulance service, as part of #ProjectA....
9/26/2019 4:37:49 PM #ProjectA Interview with Nathan Steadman: Quality Improvement Fellowship – Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust By Lynsey Oates As part of the series of #ProjectA Improvement virtual meetings, Yorkshire Ambulance Head of QI Erin Payne presented an informative...
8/30/2019 3:23:59 PM Outputs and outcomes from the #ProjectA tweet chat, 14th August 2019 By Lynsey Oates This post describes the outputs and outcomes from the #ProjectA Ambulance Improvement tweet chat that happened between 7pm and 8pm on...
7/9/2019 12:00:00 AM Nathan Steadman's Reflections on the School for Change Agents 2019 By Lynsey Oates My Reflections on the School for Change Agents 2019 by Nathan Steadman (@YAS_NathanielS) The School for Change Agents is focused on...
5/29/2019 12:00:00 AM Taking the initiative – establishing a network of Ambulance Quality Improvement Leaders By Lynsey Oates It takes a little bit of passion, maybe a spark and a lot of hard work to get something going in a system that values structure and...
5/17/2019 12:00:00 AM How can we use a falls framework to improve the ambulance service response to falls? An interview with Claire Roche (Assistant Director for Quality, Governance and Assurance) Welsh Ambulance Service By Lynsey Oates The #ProjectA programme of work has been engaging frontline ambulance staff, colleagues and patients in developing ideas for improvement...