30 day challenges are a great way to get involved with transforming perceptions of nursing and midwifery. This month’s challenge is to arrange a meeting with your local MP with a focused call to action.
During the crowdsourcing phase of this work, meeting with your MP was identified as a key way for ambassadors to build positive perceptions of the profession, and to influence these key individuals to understand the value and impact of the profession.
The challenge focuses on a call to action of asking your MP to:
• Help shape or contribute to a potential event that is being planned at Portcullis House in October
• Pledge to build positive perceptions of the profession by signing a Commitment Card (included in the pack)
• Have their picture taken with you to show that they are supporting the campaign
Many Ambassadors have already started to make contact; here is the Ambassadors' resource pack to help you have a successful experience. As well as a template for your MP's pledge, the pack includes hints and tips to:
- Make contact with your MP
- Arrange the meeting
- Prepare for the meeting, including mapping your influence
- Create your Organising Statement
- Make sure the meeting is effective
- Follow up and follow through on agreed actions
- Reflect on the meeting and evaluate your experience
Mike Kane, MP for Wythenshawe and Sale East has already joined our call to action. Listen to his story and his pledge - be inspired to contact your MP!