Happy New Year to you all!
2019 is shaping up to be a very busy and interesting year for #ProjectA.
#ProjectA was launched in June 2018 with hundreds of frontline ambulance staff. Read more about the launch event.
Over the summer, 608 ideas were shared via the ideas platform and tweet chats as part of phase 1 of the project. Read more about phase 1.
Twelve of those ideas were selected for a two day virtual ‘innovation burst’ where 198 staff collaborated to test and prototype them.
Six specific activities emerged from the innovation burst for further work and progression:

#ProjectA is an improvement programme led by front line staff, and we want to make sure it remains true to this ethos. We'd love for front-line staff, as well as related health care professionals, and patients, to get involved in the next stage of the project.
Next Steps
A number of virtual hosted meetings have taken place for the collaboratives. From the meetings it was clear that there was a strong desire to come together and progress the initiatives for these collaboratives. To do this we have so far arranged Accelerated Design Events (ADEs) for the Falls, Mental Health and Staff Wellbeing collaboratives.
The events will take place in London; we are designing the content for days at present.
The dates and venues for each of the events are:
- Falls Monday 28th January at Mary Ward House, 7 Tavistock Place, WC1H 9SN
- Mental Health Thursday 14th February at Friends House, 173-177 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ
- Wellbeing Tuesday 5th March at Mary Ward House, 7 Tavistock Place, WC1H 9SN
ADEs are a proven process for considering important issues quickly and effectively and making collaborative decisions. With the right people in the room, we envisage that within each group, we will get to a stage of analysis and action planning that would normally take three or four months using the usual meetings and consultation approach. They are always interactive, energised, fun events.
We do hope you'll join us!
If you would like further details about the events or would like to be involved in the design for the ADE's please don't hesitate to contact me - Lynsey Oates.
In the meantime, please do keep getting involved – join one of the collaboratives, take part in the upcoming ADE's ; take a look at the ideas directory when it’s launched; keep talking to one another via Twitter (@HorizonsNHS / #ProjectA) and on the Facebook group.
We look forward to working with you and progressing #ProjectA.