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Tweets of the Week 1st July, 2022

Welcome to Tweets of the Week! The one stop shop for the best of improvement tweets and knowledge from The Horizons team and beyond. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).  

The Big Conversation Digital Goody-bag

Did you miss The Big Conversation, or want to watch anything again? 

The digital goody bag contains 

  • Session recordings  
  • Slides and resources
  • To check out all of the fantastic content and to access the goody bagclick here.

The Next Conversation

On Tuesday this week, the team hosted The Next Conversation, an all day Twitter event! 

It was a great success and we are so thankful to all of the contributors from the day. If you would like to catch up on what happened throughout the day, check out the thread under the tweet below or have a look at the hashtags #ImprovingTogether and #SolvingTogether!

  • Coproduction 
  • Conversation  
  • Candour 

These are the three themes that connect the conversations from the @HorizonsNHS  takeovers at the Next Conversation this week!

What do you think? What resonates with you?  Click here to read Leigh's blog to find out more about these themes and what took place at the Next Conversation! 

NHS Changes

How does the NHS in England work and how is it changing? This fabulous animation by @TheKingsFund  is well worth 5 minutes of your time to find out more about what the new acronym - ICS (integrated care systems) - will do, how they'll work 

Psychological safety

“Intentions are invisible, actions are visible. Leaders need to be listening, say they value people’s input” ~ @AmyCEdmondson

Read 'Psychological Safety in the Real World of Health and Care' to learn more about psychological safety.  


A shout out to @MidYorkshireNHS which (take note) is a role model to other NHS organisations for the way it supports internationally recruited nurses to feel a profound sense of belonging & make career progress. @Mymy_DelRos you are such a great leader.

Team activity

Great reflection shared by NHS Horizons @karas01 on  #CornwallVCSEICS.

Thank you to @MarkAggy for kind feedback on  the workshop in Birmingham the team supported on Wednesday about data, physical activity & healthcare.


Here are some strategies for managing difficult emotions at work: 

  1. Emotion at work can be productive
  2. Different levels of comfort with uncertainty
  3. Understand the cause of burnout
  4. Focus on the org not the individual
  5. Get curious

Read more on this by clicking here.

One of the most important roles a team leader undertakes is building team emotional intelligence: tuning into team emotions, fostering strong work relationships, building trust and a conducive environment within the team. Click here to read this brilliant blog by @tnvora.

Research by Harvard Prof @TeresaAmabile showed professionals perceive their best days at work are when they feel a sense of progress, able to move forward in their work. So our job as leaders is to help people feel a sense of progress in their work, every day. Art: @OzolinsJanis

Often for leaders in health & care, being "super-busy" is like a badge of honour. But why are we really so busy & what should we do about it? This TED talk by @dorieclark has some great insights. Click here to watch the TED talk.

Many of our systems of accountability are wrong: they punish people when it's the system, not the person, at fault. We need a "just culture" where we understand that error happens and ask people to take accountability to do the right thing. Message and sketch by @rob_dimeo via @tnvora


Many managers feel the need to be the "go to" person for solutions. If we're not decisive and able to answer questions, we might look weak. Let's flip this; present ourselves as vulnerable and authentic leaders and ask questions before answers. For more insight on this, click here to read 'Admitting what you don't know is the key to effective leadership' from Fast Company.

Modern leadership truths: 

  1. Virtual work is here to stay
  2. Titles never build trust
  3. Be a leader, not an order-giver
  4. Authentic doesn't mean hurtful 
  5. Cultural intelligence is essential 
  6. Your leadership shapes culture
  7. Lead morale 

Click here to read 'Modern Leadership Truths for Today’s Leaders' by Kate Nasser for more information on this project.


Over the years, Helen has learnt that when it comes to making change happen, "Trojan mice" (many small, well focussed changes to probe complex problems) are typically more effective than "Trojan horses" (large pilot/roll out projects). For more insight on this, click here.

This paper by @axelheitmueller is well worth a read.  Great examples of both what needs to be done and how to do it.  In keeping with themes from #Quality2022, creating time, working together and building trust are key. Click here to read 'The NHS Refounded: Delivering a Health Service Fit for the Future'  for more insight.


Some great free resources on running better meetings from @lucidmeetings. We spend so much time in meetings in health & care. The content sets out systematic approaches to meetings, how to improve meeting practice and culture, stopping wasteful meetings etc. Click here to access the resources.

Scientists, clinicians & clinical educators: here is a fantastic free eBook on how to make sketch notes from technical content. We're wired to be visual learners and sketch notes help. We process visuals 60K times faster than text. Click here to access the ebook.

And finally....

We are so happy to see @AnthonyLongbone has successfully reached the end of his nursing training. Tony was a key advocate for the Perceptions of Nursing programme that Horizons colleagues @BevMatthews and @KateSlater2 facilitated back in 2017. It inspired him to start his training. Congratulations Tony!


tweets of the week