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Tweets of the Week 17 June, 2022

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).  


The #SolvingTogether platform closes to new ideas, comments and votes before moving onto its next phase today (17th June) , be sure to get any ideas, comments and votes on there before then!

Click here to access the platform and start #SolvingTogether!

Check out this video to see how to register to the platform!

On Thursday this week, the the team hosted a pop up university session at #NHSConfedExpo about #SolvingTogether. 

The session was live tweeted, so if you weren't able to attend the session, you can catch up on the tweet thread below.

Thank you to  @SandraEismann for this wonderful feedback about the #SolvingTogether platform. 

"Love the platform which makes it so easy to share ideas to @HorizonsNHS and to @NHSNWCCG for your work and sharing your experiences".

Thank you @Librarianpocket for reflections on the #SolvingTogether session at #NHSConfedExpo: "Showcasing an approach to demand and capacity modelling in MSK that’s been captured as part of #SolvingTogether. A system dynamics approach enables work with complex data across an Integrated Care System". 

More great feedback from @KellieBatman, "Inspiring talk #solvingtogether. We need to explore ideas and try them out. The NHS needs to overcome their fear of failure so we can succeed sooner Excited to join the platform and share ideas".

We are so glad to see that the session was useful to so many of you!

The Next Conversation 

A reminder that The Next Conversation is happening on Tuesday 28 June!

The Next Conversation is an opportunity to reflect on learning from The Big Conversation for Improvement. It's taking place on Twitter between 9am and 5pm, drop in and out as your capacity may allow.


Have you shared your thoughts on how we can support our NHS people to stay on the crowdsourcing platform? Click here to access the platform.

Job vacancy 

We're looking for a Band 8c Head of Insights & Impact! 

Are you someone who can...

🏆Champion learning, reflection & evaluation?

📈Build on our innovative approach to rapid insight?

💡 Bring creativity and collaboration?

Yes? Click here to apply today! (closing date: 26th June, 2022)


On Tuesday, @HorizonsNHS @BevMatthewsRN presented at the @DudleyGroupNHS  #ReturnToPractice event about her fabulous experiences with them! Read more of Bev's story by clicking here.


Rest is holy. We can interpret that from multiple perspectives: reverend, sacred, different and distinct from everything common. However we define it, rest is set apart, not a reward for being productive.  

Building Agency

Agency ("power & ability to make choices & act on them freely”) is key to any change process. Lack of it is often why change fails. Yet agency is typically undefined & misunderstood. Read Helen and @Goranhenriks latest blog 'Creating tomorrow today: seven simple rules for leaders' by clicking here for more information on this topic.


Why do so many change initiatives fail to achieve their objectives? Research by @BCGhenderson suggests that change efforts are undermined by 10 conventional and flawed “change-isms” - mental models, assumptions and frameworks prevalent in change leadership. For more insight on this, read 'Familiar Yet Fatal: 10 Common Pathologies of Failed Change Efforts' by clicking here.

If we want to deliver improvement at scale, we need to create "safe spaces" where people can come together to learn, share and create change. We must value "safe spaces" as highly as other aspects of our daily work. Click here to read 'Co-creating our future: The power of safe spaces' for more insight on this.

"Cynics & believers" is a workshop activity. As facilitator, you give people roles as "cynics" or "believers" in the topic. Hopes & fears emerge. People mostly "download" and "debate" & it makes them aware of better kinds of conversation. For more information, read the article 'Cynics and Believers' from The Systems Thinker by clicking here.

We're all getting used to the new reality of hybrid meetings, where some people take part in-person & others are virtual & remote. We have to learn new ways to run or lead meetings. Here's an excellent checklist for effective hybrid meetings from @OutstandUK. For more information, read 'Your Essential Checklist for Effective Hybrid Meetings' by clicking here.

Minimum Viable Product

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a new product with just enough features to be usable for people to try out. What if we created Minimum Viable Transformation (MVT) for organisational change? 

Start with a small group of people & try new ways. Read more on this in this article 'Minimum Viable Transformation' by clicking here.

Here is another perspective on MVT from @whatsthepont. Read their blog "Minimum Viable Transformation: change should be small and imperfect" by clicking here. 


If, as leaders, we just remembered these ten things about people every time we encountered "bad" behaviour or a tricky situation, we might make a lot more progress. For more insight on this, click here to read '10 Things Leaders Should Remember about People'.

A key role of a change leader is creating meaning for people. If change isn't meaningful, people won't engage. Resistant behaviour may be an indicator of missing relevance or meaning. The search for meaning is a big driver of human experience. Click here to read 'How Meaning Transforms Work' for more information on this topic.


tweets of the week