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Improving Patient Pathways: The Second #ProjectA Tweet Chat

The second of the five #ProjectA tweet chats took place on 27th July, with more than 65 ideas shared for improving patient pathways.

Nearly 60 people took time out of their evenings at the end of a record-breaking hot, humid day to share their thoughts on what is currently working with patient pathways, what could be improved, and to share ideas about effective patient pathways in specific localities that could be replicated elsewhere. 

The key themes from the chat include:

  1. Creating person-centred pathways
  2. - Improving pathways through collaboration between health and care services
  3. - Pathways that could be replicated elsewhere
  4. - Improving mental health pathways
  5. - Improving frailty pathways

You can read the detailed report here.

This chat build on the success of the first chat, which was about partnerships with patients and the public

#ProjectA was initiated by Simon Stevens, the Chief Executive of NHS England, after he spent time with ambulance crews in London and the Midlands. Simon identified the potential for frontline ambulance staff to play a much bigger role in innovation, service redesign and problem solving. He has asked the NHS Horizons team to work with the Association of Ambulance Chief Officers (AACE) to develop a year-long initiative that supports and builds on the excellent work that is underway in many parts of the system and builds on the ideas and energy of frontline ambulance staff.

The ambition is to identify at least four major change ideas that can be developed, prototyped and implemented by frontline staff across all ten ambulance trusts, in time to start making a difference in winter 2018/19. The whole ethos and approach of #ProjectA is one of co-production and collaborative decision making.

Make your suggestions count too by adding them to the Ideas Platform and join us for the second tweet chat on roles, practices, wellbeing, and progression on Wednesday 8 August at 7pm by following #ProjectA.


projecta, patient pathways, nhs, health, care