9/28/2018 10:26:46 AM #ProjectA - Making Connections Innovation Burst By Ian Baines When I was 'youthful' and in the early stages of my working life I had a mentor in KPMG who was fond of reminding me that 'People do...
8/10/2018 3:51:09 PM Improving Wellbeing and Career Progression for Ambulance Staff: the third #ProjectA tweet chat By Leigh Kendall We know that protecting the physical and emotional wellbeing of staff is key to a happy workforce, and to good performance. How can we...
7/25/2018 12:00:00 AM A Complex Game of Tetris? By Bev Matthews RN MSc It’s 7 o’clock on a Friday night as I walk into a dimly lit room full of people sat in front of their respective computers, headsets on,...
7/21/2018 12:00:00 AM Hundreds join first #ProjectA tweet chat By Bev Matthews RN MSc The first of five #ProjectA (for ambulance) tweet chats had hundreds of tweeters coming together and generating 77 ideas for improving...
6/29/2018 12:00:00 AM Harnessing the Power of Front-Line Ambulance Staff - Reflections on the Launch of #ProjectA By Ian Baines There have only been a few times in my working life when at the end of the day I've looked back and thought 'Did that really happen?'...