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Tweets of the Week 27th May, 2022

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).  


There are 20 days left to get involved in this phase of #SolvingTogether. Thousands of people have already shared their ideas on how to help our NHS elective care recover. We would love to hear from you! 

This phase of #SolvingTogether closes on Friday 17 June! There is still time to add your ideas, thoughts and case studies before then.    

Click here to get involved on the #SolvingTogether platform.

The Next Conversation

Would you like to continue the conversations started during The Big Conversation for Improvement? Join us for The Next Conversation! Tuesday 28 June, 9am to 5pm (drop in & out as able). 

This is an opportunity to reflect on learning, consider how you and your team can use insights from the two day event, together! #ImprovingTogether 


Have you had your say about what you think will help #OurNHSPeople do their best work and thrive yet! If not, please click here to join - you can add your own idea, or vote/comment on ideas already posted. 


The @StayandThrive team has created a Twitter account. Please do follow them to see what they will be getting up to! This is a safe space to have energising and inspiring conversations for helping #OurNHSPeople who are internationally recruited to #StayAndThrive

Designing an Active Future

How can we reduce burden on the NHS, generate better socioeconomic outcomes, improve population health & reduce health inequalities? 

Read @karas01 & @TomUnderWords blog & report where they explore how physical activity can be part of the answer! 

We can all take action at every level and this clip from @NorthumbriaNHS shows great work from the @OHID Active Hospitals Programme. Click here to watch the clip.


Often we face a mountain of demands so we just work harder & harder. Yet if we were able to take some time out to look at the work & find better ways of doing it, we might work so much smarter. Creating the space to innovate is just as valuable use of time as doing the core work.

The "anti-noise" movement is growing in leadership circles. "Noise" means all the unwanted sound & mental stimulation that gets in the way of our ability to do what matters to us in the world. Responses include "no email Fridays" & "no meeting Wednesdays. Click here to read 'How to Build a Culture That Honors Quiet Time' for more insight.

New research from @BupaUK concludes that remote work is as dangerous as smoking to the health of UK workers. Remote workers say they're more sedentary in lifestyle, eating to excess, drinking more alcohol and neglecting their health. Click here to a report from HR Magazine for more information on this. 

Want to know what makes a fabulous team? Check out this fantastic sketch note by @LeighAKendall that shows what fab teams do!  To see more brilliant sketch notes by the NHS Horizons team, click here.

We have to make space for social connection at work, even when we're busy. Investing time to connect, engage & celebrate isn't "nice to do", it's "have to do". It's just as important as setting clear goals, expectations & accountabilities says @Jim_Kouzes. Click here to read 'Encourage the Heart to Build Community and Achieve Results' from The Leadership Challenge for more information on this.

Want to find out more about the 5 energies of high performing teams? Check out another fantastic sketch note produced by the NHS Horizons team in the tweet below and the blog linked here to find out more about 'Coaching NHS leaders to build energy for change'.

It's not true that people in formal leadership roles make the most important contributions in organisations. Here are 25 valuable roles that people who aren't senior leaders often play; roles that we should acknowledge, honour and celebrate. Read 'Career: 25 Incredibly Valuable Things to Be Instead of Leader' by clicking here for more insight.


Another Twitter account that uses simple visuals to convey powerful words of wisdom is @GoLimitless. Here are some examples of their posts. Apparently, our brains process visuals 60x faster than words. There is such potential to use visuals more widely in our leadership of change. 

After nominations from across the globe, @thinkers50 launched its booklist of "10 Management Classics for 2022": books that have had a lasting influence on the way we think about and practice management which still have something to teach us today. Click here to access the books.

Are you curious about alternative approaches to public management? Would you like a way to implement #HumanLearningSystems, so that you can support people to create real outcomes in their lives? Download the new 'how to' guide by clicking here.


tweets of the week