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Tweets of the Week 20 May, 2022

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).  


#SolvingTogether is a platform for people to post their ideas, experiences & good practices that will help the NHS to reduce the current waiting times for elective care.

Everyone is welcome to take part, get involved now by clicking here.

We are excited to see the progress and development of the prototyping workbook for #SolvingTogether!  The most promising ideas about reducing waiting times for elective care that have been posted on the #SolvingTogether platform will be tested and prototyped, with support from teams across the country. 

The Big Conversation for Improvement

Now that The Big Conversation has happened, what's next?


Thank you to Ann who created this brilliant sketchnote after attending The Big Conversation for Improvement last week! Check out the the video of Ann drawing this piece by clicking here.


New @Strategy_Unit report: "Strategies to reduce inequalities in access to planned hospital procedures". States that if the NHS just delivers care as quickly as it can, the most affluent people in the population will benefit the most. It recommends actions, check the report out by clicking here to find out more about the recommended actions.

Why, as leaders, we should focus on strengths of the people in our teams, rather than addressing deficits. Start with the areas of strength and what is going right (in an authentic way), and the other areas will grow. Click here to read the article 'Increasing Confidence to Accelerate Competence' for more insight.

According to @SteveGutzler, we're typically able to manage our people relationships & complete tasks 83% of the time. It's the 17% moments (our response to adversity, failure, criticism, change, stress, pressure etc) that define our leadership capability. Click here to read 'twelve critical keys to mastering the 17% moments' for more insight on this.

Here is a fab downloadable free resource: "The big book of conflict resolution games".  Use these games with team members to create a safe environment for experiencing real conflict - complete with emotions, assumptions and communication challenges. 

Classic "change management" methods only work in certain contexts. Cascading change through top down influence may work in "simple" contexts but are less effective in complicated, interdependent &/or uncertain contexts. Find out what to do instead by clicking here to read 'Strategies of Change'.

Having a changemaker mindset means we understand that change is always built on common ground and we need to listen to, and build empathy for, even our strongest adversaries, because that's how we identify shared values and move things forward. Click here to read 'Adopting A Changemaker Mindset' for more insight on this.

Why is it that our best, most creative ideas often come when we are in the shower or doing the washing up? "The most mundane tasks or actions in a cyclical form can spark the creativity within us" (@varundugg). Graphic by @moina_abdul.

How a team at Griffith University, Australia, adopted a process called "Chimes" to reflect on the extent to which their collective efforts were achieving their goals. There's some powerful ideas here that other teams could adapt or adopt. Click here to read '6 guiding principles that emerged from our first year of Chimes' for more insight on this.

It's great to have some face to face and hybrid workshops and learning sessions again. But we must do them in a different way. We should light candles: create opportunities for people to discuss, share and learn together, not fill buckets: talk at people for hours. Thank you @ndcollaborative.

How to become a better listener according to science:

  1. Focus - give our undivided attention; 
  2. Empathy - put ourselves in the other person's shoes; 
  3. Self control - avoid impulsive interruptions; 
  4. Inclusion - show that we’ve been listening:

Click here to read 'How to become a better listener, according to science' for more insight.

Want to learn more about the NHS?

If you want to understand how the NHS works, read this excellent new publication from @hfmaorg. It says it is about NHS finance but it is actually a superb explanation and history of the NHS system that non-finance people will appreciate. Click here to read the publication.

Spread and Adoption

Want to learn how to lead complex change?

Read this fantastic blog from @DianeKetley 'Systems Convening in Practice – a Chat with Madi Hoskin', where she and @MadiHoskin discuss the realities of working with the leadership activity of systems convening.


tweets of the week