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Tweets of the Week 13 May, 2022

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).  

The Big Conversation

This week on the 11th and 12th May the NHS Horizons team along with partners at AQuA and Q Community hosted The Big Conversation for Improvement. It was an amazing 2 days with nearly 4,500 people joining and taking part in the fantastic conversations that were going on!

The Big Conversation recordings and resources will be available here soon! In the meantime, if you missed the Big Conversation you can catch up on what took place over the 2 days in the following tweet threads: 

Click here to see what took place during day 1 of The Big Conversation for Improvement.

Click here to see what took place during day 2 of The Big Conversation for Improvement.

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone shortlisted in the very first NHS Improvement Awards! You can click here to read the tweet thread to see all the short listed nominees for the 6 categories of the awards:

  • Spreading Change and Improvement Across Systems
  • Improving Through Co-Production
  • Digitally Enabled Transformation
  • Improving health Equity
  • Service-led Improvement
  • Collaborating for Improvement

A massive thank you again to everyone involved in making The Big Conversation possible behind the scenes and during the live event! It wouldn't have been the same without our fantastic Comperes and Lived Experience Partners:

Here are some fantastic tweets from participants over the 2 days of The Big Conversation:

Great feedback from @DonnaC_NHS on the Big Conversation quiz that was hosted by NHS Horizons very own quizmaster @KerryEMcGinty!

Some much deserved appreciation for @BolaObolawi8 on her session 'Tackling health inequalities: the fierce urgency of now' from The Big Conversation Lived Experience Partner @NatLM1990. If you would like to see what took place live during the session, click here to read the tweet thread.

Here is @rosielhunt's favourite quote from day 1 of The Big Conversation - "amazing ideas and people, thought this would be over my head as an outpatient coordinator but thoroughly enjoyed and feel inspired".

Great reflections on why The Big Conversation for Improvement was so important from @Chesham_abdalla!

So why is it important? 

  • Because we need energy and ideas to solve the problems of health and care
  • And we get this from one another

Another great reflection from @MandyZenko on co-production that was a huge topic of interest at The Big Conversation. Such a powerful metaphor: "Hear lot of organisations say they didn't involve patients or public at the beginning of a project because didn't have time or weren't sure what they were doing. Like getting architects in after laying foundations for house - will probably fall down!"

We are delighted to see @DrColeFletch submitted her application for the @HealthFdn @theQCommunity yesterday! She not had the confidence before but The Big Conversation inspired her to go for it because it showed the value of *everyone* who plays a role in #ImprovingTogether

Would you like to continue the big conversations? Join us for The Next Conversation! 

Date: Tuesday 28 June, 9am to 5pm (drop in and out as able) 

This is an opportunity to reflect on learning and consider how you and your team can use insights, together!

The School for Change Agents

On International Nurses Day 2022 it was fantastic to see @RNChristinaH host a session at The Big Conversation on 'Anyone can be a change agent'. Alongside @HelenBevan Christina had a voice on a national platform to influence and inspire nurses to be recognised as improvers in health and care. If you would like to catch up on what took place during the session you can click here to read the tweet thread of the live session!


We were so pleased to see that there was a lot of conversation around #SolvingTogether at The Big Conversation for Improvement! 

Tim Ferris, @BevMatthewsRN, @HughMcCaughey, @acserrao76, @Fiona_Ottewell and @TBaldasera hosted a main stage #SolvingTogether conversation on Day 1 at The Big Conversation, sharing the importance of involving everyone in solving the big issues in the NHS. The crowdsourcing platform is currently focused on ideas to support elective care recovery. Get involved and add your ideas here.

If you would like to see what took place live during the session, you can catch up on this tweet thread by clicking here.

Get involved in #SolvingTogether now by clicking here to access the platform.


Breakthrough ideas don't come from the centre of the organisation or system. We need to move to the edge if we want innovations in health and care. That's why effective leaders of change often have one foot inside and another outside. Click here to read 'What does the edge & centre mean for organisations?' for more information on this.

The time spent by people at work in collaborative activities has risen by 50% in recent years. Collaboration can bring powerful results, but the key is knowing when to cultivate the right kind of collaboration to get the outcomes we seek. For more insight on this click here to read 'The Case Against Collaboration' by @PaulIanTaylor.

The iceberg model helps us to think about leading change. Often we just focus above the waterline (e.g. our improvement skills and knowledge). Yet understanding ourselves below the waterline and how or why we do the things we do, supercharges our ability to lead change. Graphic via @Charles_S_Lee.

Helen recently re-read "Leading Large Scale Change: a Practical Guide", which she co-wrote with @paulplsek and @LynneWinstanley in 2011 and they updated it in 2018. In this tweet Helen reflects on the piece and its relevance today! Click here to read the document.

The idea that people resist change because they don't understand it (so communicate more) is wrong. People resist change for many reasons, from lack of confidence in yet another initiative -"change fatigue"- to loss of identity and dignity. For more insight on this, click here to read '4 Reasons Why People Resist Change' from @Digitaltonto.

Here is some useful advice for those who want to think very deeply about improving their teams - '11 team effectiveness models to build high-performing teams' from Academy to innovate HR. Click here to read the article.

Mentoring really helps careers, but it also means a big commitment over time. Many people are switching to micro-mentoring. It makes mentoring more accessible, more people can get it and experienced mentors don't have to say "no" all the time. Click here to read 'Micro-Mentoring: All You Need to Know' from Academy to innovate HR for more insight on this.

We cannot build communities (including leadership communities in systems) faster than the speed of trust: 

  1. Transformation happens at the speed of relationships 
  2. Trust builds a stable core 
  3. Trusted relationships are a huge source of energy

Click here to read 'What does it mean to build community at the speed of trust?' for more insight on this.

Helen went to a great leadership session on Thursday with General (retired) Stanley McChrystal, who wrote “Team of Teams”. He said leaders should “delegate until it hurts”: delegate until it feels uncomfortable, then delegate some more, then support/take responsibility for those taking the delegated actions.

The other global contributor at the leadership session Thursday was @MarcHarrisonMD CEO of Intermountain Health, USA. Marc said that as leaders we have to “match our video to our audio”. It’s not enough to talk the talk: our actions & behaviours must be consistent with our words.

Upcoming Events

Helen will be presenting with @ck4q at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare next month! Click here for more details.


tweets of the week