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Tweets of the Week 6 May, 2022

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).  

The Big Conversation

Have you booked your place at The Big Conversation for Improvement yet? It's an opportunity to join people in interactive discussions about improvement! The Big Conversation will be taking place on the 11th and 12th of May. You don't need to commit to attending the whole two days, you can drop in and out as suits you.

On Thursday this week, the team hosted a tweet chat focused on The Big Conversation for Improvement. It was brilliant to see all of the tweets about what people are looking to gain and what people are looking forward to about the event next week! If you would like to have a look at what took place, check out the hashtag #ImprovingTogether.

"We all know that taking time to learn and develop is something we should be doing, but something often gets in the way..." ~ @KateSlater2 Read Kate's blog to find out more about how she took time out to attend The Big Conversation for Improvement by clicking here.

Join @acserrao76, lived experience ambassador from London, in conversation with @MarcHarrisonMD who was recently voted the most influential person in US healthcare at The Big Conversation for Improvement on Thursday 12th May at 3pm! Book your free place for the Big Conversation by clicking here now!

Carol Munt and Dr Farzana Hussein will be in conversation with the National Improvement Award winner for the Spreading Improvement category on day 2 of The Big Conversation for Improvement, 12 May. Sign up here.

Scott Ballard-Ridley and Dr Dominique Allwood will be in conversation with the National Improvement Award winner for the Improving Health Equity category on day 2 of The Big Conversation for Improvement, 12 May. Sign up here!  

Join Pete Donnelly at the NHS Big Conversation for Improvement to talk about "Wheelchair skills: the foundations to build independence" on Thursday 12th May from 10:30 - 11:15! Sign up by clicking here.


How might we deliver what we currently call planned or elective care in very different ways in the future? The thinking the unthinkable challenge is part of #SolvingTogether. #SolvingTogether is a regionally-led initiative that is part of a suite of interventions relating to the delivery of transformation led by Tim Ferris, Director of Transformation of NHS England and Improvement. Get involved in #SolvingTogether now by clicking here.

How can we support theatre teams to make their best possible contribution to elective care, including treating more patients who are waiting in ways that are long-term sustainable? Building outstanding theatre teams challenge is part of #SolvingTogether. Share you thoughts and ideas on the platform by clicking here.

The School for Change Agents

Helen started the School for Health & Care Radicals in 2014. In 2017 It became the School for Change Agents. Over 100,000 people have signed up since. @endocrine_witch, one of earliest participants, retweeted her blog from 2015, click here to read it and find out how the #S4CA helped Iris.


Do you work in the #NHS? Would you like a say on what you think will help our #OurNHSPeople do their best work and thrive? Visit @People_nhs's new crowdsourcing platform and help to explore the five key challenges set by their National Retention Programme. There are 5 challenges to get involved in:

  1. Early career 
  2. Work-life boundaries
  3.  Later career 
  4. Belonging, inclusion and diversity 
  5. Inclusive menopause 

Click here to get involved on the crowdsourcing platform.

Spread and Adoption

Wanting some help to enable the spread and adoption of innovation & improvement? There's another opportunity for a 1-1 session with @DianeKetley to explore how her guide can help you! More details on how to apply can be found here. Deadline: Friday 6th May


Can management be "beautiful"? Yes. We have the legacy of "scientific management" where managers control people and treat them as assets to be sweated. Beautiful management means inspiring the full potential of human creativity and cooperation. Click here to read this blog form @BCGhenderson for more insight on this. 

Teams can create high performance but they take a lot of work. Sometimes, the cost of coordination and motivation is higher than the collaboration benefits teams bring. Is it time to replace some teams with “co-acting groups?” asks @profmortensen and colleague. Click here to read this Harvard Business Review article for more insight.

Building a sense of belonging (so people are accepted for who they truly are at work) - rather than expecting people to "fit in"- is one of the most effective strategies for retaining our people and creating conditions for improvement. Click here to read this article from Medium for more insight.

Yes, change should be driven by data. AND, by its nature, data is backward looking and constraining. The biggest, boldest change is going to happen if we look forward, using our collective imagination.@CassieRobinson is leading important thinking and practice, check out her blog here to find out more.

Ideas are easy. Turning them into action is much harder. To strengthen the "ideas to action" flow: 

  1. Accept responsibility for ideas to action
  2. Drive out fear 
  3. Value experimentation 
  4. Shift your mindset 
  5. Use a multi horizons approach

Click here to read ''Effective leaders accelerate their team’s ideas-to-actions flow'' from Smart Brief for more information on this.

The increase in hybrid working is encouraging "strong tie" approaches to knowledge sharing (with people we know/trust). Breakthrough thinking only comes via "weak ties"(connecting with more people). We must find new ways to build weak ties. Click here to read 'Maintaining network connections' from Strategy+Business for more information.

Here is a free toolkit for designers and facilitators of workshops and events. Its purpose is to "unleash ingenuity within systems". Helpfully, it organises the tools by stages in the workshop, from opening up ideas to ending with actions. Click here to access the toolkit.

Here's the QI Evidence Update for May 2022.

And finally...

In March 2021 Helen's Twitter account got turned into a scam PlayStation sales site. @scottgould who Helen didn't even know, saved her Twitter handle. Helen has only just got the confidence to switch it back. She is now @HelenBevan again, not @HelenBevanTweet.

Congratulations to @tnvora who has even voted no.3 in the top 50 HR influencers in India! We love Tanmay's sketchnotes and work.


tweets of the week