The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
The Big Conversation
Would you like to lead or co-lead your own conversation on health & care improvement topics that matter to you? Apply to lead an Open Conversation! They will be held on day 2 of The Big Conversation (12 May). Find out more information by clicking here.Do you know a team or individual who should be recognised for their contribution to health and care improvement? Nominate them for a Big Conversation Improvement Award! Find out more (& register for your FREE place for the event), by clicking here.
On Thursday the team helped facilitate a tweet chat hosted by @HughMcCaughy with panelists @RachelBurnham and @Melinda2050 focusing on #SharingElectiveStuff. See what took place by searching the hashtag #SolvingTogether on Twitter.
How might we deliver what we currently call planned or elective care in very different ways in the future? The thinking the unthinkable challenge is part of #SolvingTogether. Get involved and share your thoughts! Find out more on the #SolvingTogether platform by clicking here.
What actions can we take to change the pattern and/or nature of demand that means that people stay healthier and/or don’t need to visit or stay in the hospital? The rethinking demand challenge is part of #SolvingTogether. Get involved now, everyone is welcome! Click here to access the platform.
How do we make sure that the way we go about restoring elective services is fair, inclusive and accessible to everyone?
The making elective service recovery fair, inclusive & accessible challenge is part of #SolvingTogether. Get involved, all welcome! Share your ideas, as well as comment and vote on ideas already shared, here.
The School for Change Agents
We love this sketchnote about beliefs that create psychological safety, based on @AmyCEdmondson research. It is featured in week 5 of #S4CA! Sign up to the School by clicking here."The first NHS Change Day was instrumental to the creation of the School for Change Agents as we know it today" @GabrielleLaw3. Read this blog on what took place in the #S4CA tent on #FabChange21, it even contains an overview of the history of the School!
Spread and Adoption
Interested in leading complex change? @MadiHoskin shares her experiences and advice on the realities of working with the leadership activity of systems convening. Click here to see a summary and recording of the chat that @DianeKetley had with @MatthewMezey and @MadiHoskin.
On Tuesday the team helped support the third #StayandThrive learning session!
It was great listening to Nick from @WeNurses tell everyone about the Twitter take over in April 2022. "This is the first time we have focused on one issue for a whole month - and supporting our international recruited colleagues to #StayandThrive could not be a more important topic" ~ @NRCUK.
Our comfort zone is a place or state where we feel secure, where we use a limited set of behaviours to deliver a steady level of performance, avoiding risk. Yet if we want to find purpose and live dreams, we must go beyond it. Click here to read 'How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth Zone’' to find out more on this topic.
Setting healthy boundaries is an important way to build trust and wellbeing in teams. It's something that we should do collaboratively with open, upfront communication about intentions and needs. Here's a great article with some helpful tools, click here to read the article.
Prevention is generally a better, cheaper option than treatment/cure. Yet often our systems are set up to encourage and reward treatment/cure. it's time to move upstream. Thank you @_workchronicles.
What belief system do your organisational leaders have about their people? Is it system one - see people as "resources" to be driven/controlled? Or system two - believe people are imaginative and innovative humans? Read how to run your organisation by system two by clicking here.
As health and care moves from organisational to systems focus, we need to rethink the nature of governance: from static to evolving; from the perfect model to fit with context/culture/purpose; from top down power to flows of healthy power. Read 'Reimagining governance myths' from Forum for the Future.
In leading change, there's often a tension felt between talk and action. When we create positive conversation (safe space where people with difference can explore/collaborate), conversation IS action - a change intervention in its own right. Read 'Conversation is action' by David Gurteen, by clicking here for more insight on this topic.
Organisational change doesn't have to be energy draining & distressing. There's much wisdom in the Theory of Planned Organizational Change & Development by @michaelbeer11. He sets out "6 silent killers" in the journal linked here.
A tweet chat is a conversation on Twitter, typically for an hour, following a hashtag. They can be a powerful platform for sharing and implementing change. Here's a superb example of a tweet chat report, using free @healthhashtags analytics. Click here to read the full report.
Check out the excellent virtual workshops from @apoliticalco. They're free to anyone who works in public service, including the NHS. This one is for people who want to develop their skills as a facilitator, which is a core leadership capability. Click here for more information.