The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
The School for Change Agents
Have you signed up to The School for Change Agents yet? Sign up now and get a wealth of useful tips from Dr Esther Murray on how to foster your resourcefulness and - much more!
"The School provides a global community of like-minded people sharing a common purpose to make positive change happen" ~ @GabrielleLaw3 and @EM_HealthPsych
Diversity and Inclusion
Newly published qualitative study that is not easy to read, on how racialised inequalities stop inclusion within the NHS workforce and lead to intergroup biases which limit team performance and create poor experiences, which have an impact on wellbeing. Via @mountfordjames.
A new case study from an organisation seeking to address significant issues of gender imbalance. Network analysis showed the exclusion of women from critical circles in its inner workings. Diversity and inclusion is more about relationships than pipelines. Click here for more insight.
There's so much that is great about social media but one bad thing is it creates a temptation to compare ourselves to others. We should never compare ourselves to others, only to who we were and who we want to become.
Knowledge is not an individual thing but is shared and social. What turns what individuals know into knowledge is social confirmation and acceptance. That's why we need peer groups, networks and communities to make knowledge for change come alive. For more insight on this click here.
What are the basic principles we should adopt when we're leading change? Helen learnt Milton Erickson's 5 principles a long time ago and they've served her well. Start from a place that people are okay and everyone does what they do with a good intent. Read more on this here.
A new literature review for those interested in the scaling of innovation. It helpfully differentiates scaling (a deliberate process) and diffusion (a passive force), identifies 11 drivers and barriers and suggests out/up/deep as facets of scaling. Click here to read more.
The slide below prompted some very interesting conversations during @DianeKetley's spread and adoption webinar in November. Does it resonate with you?
"Hard skills" are specific technical knowledge & training. "Soft skills", eg authenticity & empathy, are a mix of what we’ve learned & where we’ve come from. We need both. The last 21 months have shown how key "soft skills" are. We need to call them something else @SusanDavid_PhD.
Lots of positive responses to Helen's previous post on so-called "soft skills" with the graphic from @SusanDavid_PhD and her work on emotional agility. Susan offers a free quiz on your emotional agility. It takes a while but gives you an insightful ten page report. Click here for the quiz.
Research shows that people avoid asking for extensions to a deadline even when they know they could do a better job with more time. Bear in mind leaders are more likely to rate people who ask for extra time as more competent and motivated. Click here for more insight.
Virtual Collaborate
If you have ever found the chat bubbles in @MicrosoftTeams distracting then this tip which is part of the tech spotlight series will help you out.
And finally...
In the spirit of the season, here's a visual driver diagram for a snowman. Thank you @ThinkingMaps #QITwitter