The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
The School for Change Agents
Hey Change Agents! Are you looking for more info about #S4CA? This fantastic video by our colleague @KerryEMcGinty who makes School happen, has all you need to know! Click here to watch the video.
It's great to see The School for Change Agents community coming together and forming "study clubs" where embers can work together and learn to create positive change! It's not too late to sign up to School! Click here for more information.

Fab Change Day
We took part in Fab Change Day this week, hosting a tent about The School for Change Agents and resourcefulness. @HelenBevanTweet gave an insight of the history of the #S4CA to the audience of tent 7 showing them how the School has evolved through the years!

The team was also delighted to be joined by Esther Murray, who gave the audience brilliant advice on why taking care of your wellbeing makes you a better Change Agent!

Stay and Thrive
This week the team took part in another brilliant Stay and Thrive Learning session, which is about supporting our internationally recruited colleagues to stay and thrive in the NHS. If we want large scale change, we need to create meaning for people; done well it generates compliance without talking about it. Via @JeremyScrivens.
It was great to see all the appreciation and love for @MayflorBernal for sharing her story as an international nurse in the UK. So many amazing lessons we can learn from each other.
More brilliant feedback from @NurseEstherM who attended the session.
And from @DDrdk, the team is very thankful to all who attended and participated in the session.
@KatyMcDonald also shared her thoughts on the session.
The team supported the #StartWithPeople event this week, a dynamic event for NHS engagement practitioners.
Leigh shared a thread with discussions from one of the sessions.
Spread and Adoption
Join @DianeKetley's Webinar next Tuesday, 30th November at 4:00pm to 4:45pm to hear more about 'Leading the Spread and Adoption of Innovation and Improvement: A Practical Guide' and how it can help you. More information and joining details can be found by clicking here.
The importance of learning, sharing with and seeking knowledge from others, is the seventh and final blog in series on the 7 interconnected principles for Spread and Adoption. Read Diane's blog here.
Skill Development


Most planning processes use "realistic" assumptions about the future based on trends/data in the past/present. Yet "realism", is a poor predictor of future. The best way to predict the future is to focus on the "unknown unknowns". Click here for more insight.


"Everyone shines given the right lighting". That's our job as leaders. Thank you @sherrillknezel.
And finally...
Meanwhile, a Monday morning Teams meeting starts in a parallel universe.... Graphic by The Happy Middle.
Exciting news in the Bevan household. @HelenBevanTweet's cat Rolf @RolfatWarwick is the @warwickuni campus cat. He’s been asked to switch on the campus Christmas tree lights. They live near campus & long ago our cat decided he liked going to campus more than being at home. The rest is history.