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Tweets of the Week 19 November, 2021

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).   

The School for Change Agents

The School for Change Agents is now live! As Helen said,  there's still time to enrol. Join thousands of other people who are making change happen in the NHS and many other organisations/systems across the globe. It's free and can be life-changing. Click here to sign up!

It is brilliant to see the launch of the School for Change Agents on Monday is already giving people the tools to create positive change and make a difference!

You can't be a Change Agent on your own! As well as taking part in discussions on FutureLearn studying with others is a brilliant way to learn - and consider how you will put your learning into action! Thank you Becky for arranging an #AgentsAssemble study club. 

Learn how you can be more Pirate and how to challenge power by joining @AlexandraBarke1 on the #S4CA. Come and be part of a brilliant global community of Change Agents! If you haven't joined yet click here to sign up.

Virtual Collaborate

Last week @HorizonsNHS colleague @ZoeLord1 facilitated 700+ people on #MSTeams. The chat box was a flurry of interesting content, however some colleagues found the constant pinging distracting. @HorizonsNHS colleague @Anisah_Majothi developed this helpful graphic to mute the chat. #VirtualCollaborate

Spread and Adoption 

Read how networks can build communities, energising and connecting individuals, to help the spread and adoption of innovation and improvement in this Diane's latest blog. #NHSSpread

Transformation Tuesday

This week Kathryn Perera spoke at the CLEAR conference. "We need to pay as much attention to how we think as we currently pay to what we know".


Walking meetings are extremely beneficial and we need to have more of them! It's time to swop more Teams/Zoom calls, get back to the phone, wrap up warm & appreciate the power of walking. Thank you @CheriSterman and @VizwerxGroup.

10 things truly inclusive leaders do in this beautiful sketchnote: Thank you  @shutcake@mountfordjames

A great sketchnote of the seminal @PorathC book "Mastering civility" by @Rob_Dimeo. Treating people with civility and respect makes a massive difference in the workplace. Here's a link to an 8 minute talk by the author with some of the key ideas: click here.

We say we hate meeting overload yet we keep holding/going to them. Psychologists show 6 biases that keep us having meetings: 1) Fear of missing out) 2) Selfish urgency 3) Commitment device 4) Meer urgency effect 5) Meeting amnesia 6) Pluralistic ignorance. Click here for more information on this topic.

Too often at work, we do the work we do because we have to, it's part of our job. Yet when we can connect with the things that really matter to us, we create joy and energy and get better outcomes. How can we make every work project feel like a personal project? TY @_workchronicles

Leadership and Teams

"When a group of people with sufficiently different perspectives and skills come together to openly explore how to deeply transform an unhealthy system, something awesome happens". Collaborative networks can be a powerful lever for change. For more insight on this topic, click here.

Every team should make the time to collectively agree its team norms - how you want everyone in the team to behave. It creates the foundations for psychological safety  and high team performance. Here's a ten step process for setting team norms, click here. 

When organisations face complex or unpredictable challenges, it's critical that those people impacted by the challenge are in the conversation. There's four types of conversations needed for such challenges but mostly we only use one type. For more insight, click the link here.

As leaders we're often faced with both/& situations: paradoxes, polarities, dualities, or wicked problems. Examples: improvement & assurance, innovation & standardisation. A free framework to help with thinking in more integrative ways. Find out more on this here.

The leaders we need for the future will think and act in more complex, systemic and interdependent ways. The leadership skills they'll need include sense-making, perspective-shifting, oppositional thinking and the ability to transform themselves. Read more on this here.

Psychological Safety

We strive for psychological safety in our teams, but what comes after that? Psychological safety fulfils lower tiers in Maslow's hierarchy of needs but higher levels need "psychological enrichment", allowing true learning and experimentation. For more insight, click here.

It's wonderful to see that @amycedmondson has been identified as the most influential leadership thinker in the world. Amy, your work on psychological safety is so impactful in our sector & you are such a generous, genuine person who wades in to some great Twitter conversations. 


How to rehearse for an important presentation - whether it's part of an event or a job interview, you're physically present with your audience or virtually. A fantastic sketchnote by @anujmagazine that really drives home the point that preparation is the key! For more insight read the article linked here.

Here's an excellent new article by @nounproject on how to create presentation slides with visual impact – including the best ways to distil complex ideas into digestible, engaging graphics. Read more here.


tweets of the week