The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
The School for Change Agents
There is less than two weeks until the School for Change Agents starts again!
Here is @EM_HealthPsych giving a little insight into what you can learn from the #S4CA
Join Esther and a brilliant global community of change agents now! Click here to sign up.
On Monday Helen and the Horizons team facilitated a deliberative event for @NHS_HealthEdEng with leaders & advocates across the system on a new long-term strategic framework for health and social care workforce planning. We worked with a foresight approach to identify possible futures. #OurFutureWorkforce.
Joe Home tweeted that there were brilliant and productive conversations on Monday morning around workforce planning for the next 15 years in health and social care.
Health Inequalities
Do you work in engagement & participation in the NHS or wider health & care sector? Find out more about the #StartWithPeople conference which is happening on 25 November - more information in the tweet below.
You're welcome to join the next #Caring4NHSPeople event, which will be about how civility and respect underpins a culture of kindness and compassion. It will be taking place on 10 November at 4pm to 5pm. Click here for the session details.
Moves to "flexible" working and "hybrid" working are changing the way we think/speak/act regarding the future of work. Yet both flexibility & hybrid mean leaders must give people autonomy, "the desire to be the causal agent of one’s own life.”. For more information click here.
Optimism isn't about pretending things are good when they are not. Optimism means finding positivity in a situation and always taking action towards a better outcome. It's about believing in people and being hopeful that we can work together for a new future. Graphic by @positivepresent.
Spread and Adoption
Next week: How can we enable the spread of complex innovations to improve health and care outcomes? Join the upcoming webinar with @DianeKetley, Associate Healthcare Improvement Adviser, sharing @HorizonsNHS' new practical guide. Book now by clicking here.
Virtual Collaborate
This week's Tech Spotlight! Have you ever been on a @MicrosoftTeams meeting and struggled to see what is being presented? Don't worry @HorizonsNHS have got you covered!
The QI evidence update compiled by @andreadgibbons & @improvjess is always jam-packed with info that no quality improvement person in health and care should be without! Read it here.
"Unconventional ways to increase work productivity". Part 1: Make the goals feel achievable. People need a clear connection to the end-results and fit to the bigger picture. It's why it's often best not to use labels like "transformation". Click here for more insight. Thank you: @pdiscoveryuk