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Tweets of the Week 24 September, 2021

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).  

Spread and Adoption 

A new publication from @HorizonsNHS: "Leading the Spread and Adoption of Innovation and Improvement: A Practical Guide" by @DianeKetley. The focus reflects our increasing need to spread change across boundaries & to focus on the people involved: click here to find our more. 

Tuesday was the launch of the 'Leading the Spread and Adoption of Innovation and Improvement: A Practical Guide' which has caused lots of interest. Great to see people planning how to use it.

Looking After Our People 

On Wednesday Helen and the team facilitated the first Learning Session for #StayandThrive - a programme focusing on looking after our internationally recruited colleagues using Positive Deviance methodology.

On Thursday some of our team hosted the Midlands Retention launch event. The ambition is to create a community of people working together to understand and discuss how compassion and inclusion for can make a difference to supporting our NHS people to stay.

The team tried to encourage people who had never tweeted before to send a tweet at the #MidsRetention event - Annie stepped up to the plate with her first ever tweet!

NHS Safeguarding

This week we supported the first National Safeguarding Summit, bringing together child and adult safeguarding practitioners with the regional safeguarding leads to work on Covid recovery, the impact of their work on themselves and how they can work together to break the cycle of child abuse and influence integrated care systems 

During the National Child Safeguarding and Think Family Safeguarding Summit we heard the #NHSSafeguarding voice.

Improvement & Learning 

Excellent piece on inequality & digital accessibility by @GarethFW, previous Head of Accessibility at the BBC. It's a long read but there are some real gems in it for people who want to improve the accessibility of their virtual platforms & collaborations. Click here to read. 

Sometimes we think that we shouldn't show our work to others until we're well advanced & have something to show or share. Yet in most situations, we'll get better outcomes if we open up our work-in-progress & thought processes to feedback from others. Sketchnote by @anujmagazine

Helen believes strongly in creating a "theory of change" (ToC) at an early stage in a change initiative because it sets out how and why the desired change is expected to happen in our context so everyone understands the approach. Here's a graphic example from the education sector by @impactwales.

One phenomenon seen during the pandemic was that our organisations adapted very quickly and became more agile. Agility is a global leadership megatrend. Being agile (& bureaucracy busting) is an ongoing priority, not just a response to a crisis. Find out more in the blog linked here.

"Guiding questions" inspire us to keep moving forward with intention and purpose. We can use them to focus our direction as a team or to create strong foundations for a change initiative. Here's the template plus an example of one filled in from the education sector.

Why setting up a "transformation programme" might not be the best idea. New research shows that only 22% of organisations that set one up achieved their goals. Smaller, focused, spreadable changes, on an ongoing basis, much more likely to succeed: read more here.

Learning & improvement are not "nice-to-have" or a bolt-on. Organisations that excel at improvement understand they're part of everyone's daily work. We need a culture of experimentation where we're constantly trying new things & if they fail, that's okay. Graphic by @anujmagazine.


How to avoid Teams Fatigue: Helen was inspired by this visual map created by @fran_ohara, in particular how to listen on a Teams call. You don't have to stare at the screen to hear: focus on things in the room or use pen & paper. - Download it here:… 

Leigh shared this thought-provoking article on how to be a true anti-racist ally: 

“…learns to hold the tension between being asked to speak up while, at the same time, also being asked not to speak up on behalf of Black folk and people of colour and just listen.” Click here to read the article.

This article on evidence synthesis: "the presence & potential impact of psychological safety in the healthcare setting" shares thoughts on how high psychological safety is positively linked to better team performance, knowledge sharing, continuous improvement, patient centred care. Read the article linked here for more information on this issue. 


Our team this week joined a masterclass by our colleagues @LeighAKendall on how to become an effective social influencer 

Some helpful advice on time management by @_workchronicles.

How to be the very worst kind of remote working colleague: 1) Never communicate your agenda; 2)  Presume people are available; 3) Disappear mysteriously; 4) Pretend to be useful; 5) Operate undercover. Find out more in the blog linked here by @danyefet. Graphic from @_workchronicles.

As leaders, we must create time & space to prepare for future change. Our aim isn't to predict the future (impossible) but to be ready for many different possible futures that could unfold. Mindset matters more than strategy in this context: find out more here.

How can we make change initiatives stick? Great tips in this fab sketchnote by @tnvora. Acknowledge lessons learned Want to learn more about change? Sign up to @Sch4Change! Click the link here to sign up.

We’ve come across some useful tips with @Outlook that we like to share across @HorizonsNHS - especially when they save us time and make virtual work so much better! We're excited to share them with you too!

School for Change Agents 

Another reminder that #S4CA will be starting on the 15th of November! A brilliant opportunity where you can:

  • Build your skills as an effective change agent  
  • Its open to all  
  • Free to join and take part


tweets of the week