The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
What the team has been up to
Want to learn more about how personas can help you understand your users and design better solutions for them? In Claire's brilliant blog she explains how we developed personas to better understand #OurNHSPeople.
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) play an integral role in the recovery and restoration of our health and care systems. @KarenLe08016942 with the @DudleyGroupNHS came together this week for a fantastic session hosted and facilitated by Horizons to build a shared purpose for the future they want for #AHPs . With so many inspiring ideas, we can't wait to see what they do next! #ManySkillsOneFocus
Leadership & Teams
Three reasons why we might want to retire the title "manager": 1) No one really wants to be "managed" anymore; 2) No one wants to "manage" others anymore; 3) "Manager" fails to capture the work people need to do now
Currently, our organisations need rebels, heretics & mavericks to help light the way to change more than ever. To be inspired by an outstanding group of rebels, read the story of the NASA "pirates" group Could you be a pirate too?
We know there's a culture of belonging when we are 1) Seen for our unique contributions; 2) Connected to our co workers; 3) Supported in our daily work & career; 4) Proud of our organisation’s values & purpose. Brilliant article by Julia Taylor Kennedy and PoojaJain-Link.
Warmth is a much-needed but often underestimated trait in leaders. A study of 50,000 leaders found their overall leadership effectiveness was predicted more by their warmth than by their competence.
Large scale change
Helen often gets asked how to build a change campaign inside an organisation or system that's more like a social movement than a programme. This "movement building canvas" from @SocialChangeAg asks the right kind of questions to mobilise for large scale impact.
Why expressing emotion should be core to our work culture. When we feel supported & motivated, we're happier, more productive & stay in jobs. When bosses respond to mistakes with patience instead of fury, we trust them more.
A virtual toolbox of 100+ practical tools you can use to build creative collaboration & unleash the potential of people in your team or organisation. You can view them by category, time or group size. Fabulous & free!
And finally...
Virtual meetings bingo! By the amazing Liz and Mollie.