The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
The School for Change Agents The School for Change Agents is now live! Old Power and New Power is an element of the first session - if you've completed it, what do you think? If you've not yet started, no problem - you can study at your own pace. Sign up here. #S4CA
We've created a podcast to accompany #S4CA alongside the resources on @FutureLearn It's an opportunity for you to meet the team who make school happen and hear our reflections. Listen to the podcast here. We're delighted to see the wealth of reflections from the #S4CA community on FutureLearn, Twitter, and Facebook. Here are a few of them:
Tony enjoyed Mo's video which features in the first session:
Zoe enjoyed learning about new power and old power and realising how often this was part of conversations already! Dr Biscuit felt really inspired by Benash's video and her work on inequalities in maternity care. #OurNHSPeople We are working with the inspirational Matthew James to co-design a powerful session creating the conditions for #inclusion across NHS North East and Yorkshire where #OurNHSPeople feel able to disclose their protected characteristics. Register for the event here . #Improve4Patients The national large-scale vaccination learning community have fortnightly webinars around improving the vaccination process. This week the focus was on vaccine equalities, participants heard from Gavin who shared how the process can be made easier for those with learning difference as well as a panel of contributors. Watch this video of Gavin having his covid vaccine . Wellbeing Important new article from Amy Edmondson on psychological safety. Moving to more "hybrid" working means blurring boundaries between work & the rest of life. Leaders have to build more focus on home/life circumstances into discussions about work. We can laugh at this Dilbert cartoon but there's a serious point underneath it. If, as Amy Edmondson warns, we don't rethink the changing relationship between home & work & what it means for the way we lead our teams, we're heading for trouble . If we want to create a high performing team, we should invest in getting to know what makes our fellow team members tick. Some powerful questions to ask in order to connect at an emotional level & avoid miscommunication. There are some powerful messages in this article on why it's very important to take breaks between meetings when we're working virtually: 1) So our brains can "reset"; 2) So we can focus & engage better; 3) To reduce stress. “Just because we don’t jump on every hashtag...doesn’t mean we’re not thinking about it. It doesn’t mean we’re not activists in some way to shift the way the world operates...” Read the post by Perry Timms. Improvement There's a series of powerful new models for NHS demand & capacity modelling with the potential to make a big difference in improving care. Learn about them in a schedule of virtual sessions, run by Elective & Emergency Care Improvement Support Team . Sign up here . Informative new report out today from The Kings Fund on "Developing place-based partnerships: the foundation of effective integrated care systems" Place-based partnerships are making such a difference in the systems that are investing in & developing them. The Q Community has published a new edition of their "Quality improvement made simple: what everyone should know about health care quality improvement" guide. This would be great to discuss with your team, a group of health students or non-exec-directors. Covid & beyond the pandemic As we start preparing to shift to a post-lockdown "hybrid" future (a combination of remote & face to face working), it's even more important that we make meetings engaging. Otherwise the people taking part remotely will be massively disadvantaged. Graphic by Cara . What the team has been up to Helen ran a workshop at the Institute of Health & Social Care Management on Personal Confidence and Empowerment earlier this week. Bev is currently reading "The Power of Positive Deviance" by Richard Pascale, Monique Sternin and Jerry Sternin. Bev is finding it really interesting to see how #PositiveDeviance demonstrates the power of self nominated volunteers #QIBookclub . #100RepeatTweets This week, Helen started #100RepeatTweets . It's the 100 most popular tweets from the tweets that were deleted when her Twitter account was hacked. It’s the best way to get the most popular content back on the Twittersphere. Day 100: Helen is starting at number 100 & finishing at number 1 most liked. Here's the link in this tweet. Someone starting a business aged 60 is 3 times as likely to be successful as a 30 year old & 1.7 times as likely to end up in the top 0.1% of all companies. Experience counts more than ideas. We're never too old for career success .