The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
We hope you can join us for the next #Caring4NHSPeople virtual wellbeing session Wednesday 10th February at 4pm where we'll be talking about supporting our teams during these challenging times. Find out more here.
There's wonderful feedback about how hearing loss stickers are helping our community have a better experience of the covid vaccination centres.Our Horizons colleague Zarah shared her dad's experience of getting his vaccination last weekend. All smiles and a lot of hope!
Recovery demands we acknowledge the trauma, actively engage in making difficult decisions, develop new approaches. But without recognising the grief, fear, anger & shame, we are effectively telling a country facing #PostTraumaticStress to ‘pull themselves together’ via Julia Unwin.
There’s lots of conversations about #TraumaInformed workforce at the moment - and with good reason. Most people understand that support is crucial - fewer understand what that support should look like. Graphic below gives some useful tips by @letstalk.mentalhealthHelen learnt about "co-regulating" vs. "co-escalating" from educators on Twitter. It's a powerful principle for cooling down situations where people are upset & is valid for adult to adult situations (at work) as well as adult to child.Our leadership behaviours increase the danger of burnout for our teams. Sometimes circumstances force us into red leadership but that risks the wellbeing of our teams. Green leadership leads to well functioning teams that take care of each other. By the brilliant Sonya Wallbank.In these tough times, if we want to be kind & compassionate to all around us, we need a culture of empathy. Empathy means starting from a place of understanding of how others are feeling. This applies when we're working face to face &/or virtually.So many people are going the extra mile at the moment & we're so busy ourselves that sometimes we forget to express gratitude, even when we feel it. Let's make this week the one where we give thanks all round to our amazing colleagues so they know it. Graphic by @OfficeGuyToonsWhat a powerful way to think about life after the pandemic: " The way you hold the present experience is the way you create the next". Thanks Sherrill Knezel.
We're edging towards a thousand people signed up for the International Women's Day celebration for women in health & care (& allies) on 8th March. A fantastic opportunity to honour the #EverydayCourage of health & care women during Covid. Register here.
The impact of Covid means the world of work and healthcare will never be the same. Let's #LookForwardTogether at how we can continuously improve patient care & patient experience through our HR & OD services. Join the national conversation.
Here's the seven simple rules for leaders seeking large scale change. They're Helen's Anglo-Swedish collaboration with Goran Henriks. Helen and Goran developed/tested them with many leaders in health & care. They're now an 8 part blog in the BMJ Leader.Over the past 12 months we've learnt that our world isn't predictable & we often have to throw out the rule book to create rapid change. Moving to a different future, we need new perspectives to make sense of our complex world. Blog & sketchnote by Tanmay Vora.
Are your #virtual presentations leaving you feeling a bit flat? Here’s some tips from our #VirtualCollaborate lead Bev to try. Let us know how you get on:How do you end your MS Teams or Zoom calls? Are you a double hand waver, a determined grimacer, a sloper-offer, a "dragged off by a roving pack of children", an always the last to leave or a "spontaneous collapse into a quivering pile”?When we're working virtually through MS Teams or Zoom, we can't read emotions or reactions like we can face to face. It's so easy to misinterpret others. This cartoon made Helen laugh but it shows why a lot of extra effort is needed to make everyone feel included remotely. via Oatmeal.