The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
Next week are focus groups for our NHS people to share their experiences of working in the NHS to help identify ways to support you in the future. If you are in your first or second year of working for the NHS, Register for this focus group on Monday 1 February here. If you are in the later stages of your career, Find out more information and register for the group on on Tuesday 2 February. #OurNHSPeople looking after our own wellbeing is crucial right now, & prioritising your own needs will help you to be there for your patients, colleagues & loved ones. If you're finding things difficult, remember support is available here.Our Chief People Officer, Prerana Issar shared her blog on the need to work together to advance the workplace disability equality. Read here.This week, the Horizons team facilitated the Wellbeing Guardian Board level meeting. A lot of excitement and hope after the first online event!
The #ProjectM Tweet chats have been a great way for leaders and managers to connect, share and learn quickly. Join us on Tuesday 2 February at 7pm for our next #ProjectM Tweet chat.
International Women's Day #EverydayCourage
Join Prerana Issar & Sam Allen on the 8th March for a very special International Women's Day to celebrate the #EverydayCourage of women in health & care during the pandemic. If you are a woman in health & care or an ally you are welcome, sign up here.
"Resilience" is less about individual characteristics & more about the work environment & supporting each other in the team. How we talk with each other can protect us from burnout. So important that we make the time & space for intentional team conversations.Is your team/organisation digging trenches or building bridges? Trench digging is inward-looking "them & us" behaviours. The shift to virtual connectivity can block open communication & create risk of teams becoming diggers. Read how to avoid this.The team at the Garfield Foundation wrote a poem together to express how they are feeling and their resolve for the future. What a powerful act to support collective wellbeing of the team and to identify what matters now and in the future.Comparing ourselves to other people is one of the easiest ways to feel bad about ourselves. Social media is full of more successful, healthier, happier people. We should only compare ourselves to ourselves.We think (hope!) the road to success is nice and straight, simple, linear.’s not. Remember to rest so you can continue on your journey. More spot-on genius by @lizandmollie.
For our virtual sessions we always have a WhatsApp channel for tech and facilitators to communicate, a busy channel is always good news. This graphic fits right in to our #VirtualCollaborate training. Thanks @lizandmollie.The first five minutes of a meeting will shape its outcome. Some of the risk factors are higher in virtual than face to face meetings. We need to 1) welcome people & help them connect; 2) bring the purpose to life; 3) preview the journey.Want to create more connections & care in your virtual meetings? An outstanding (free) list of methods & activities. Includes 115 prompt questions for group sharing, 27 group activities & links to brilliant resources.
Most senior leaders were not brought up to lead their organisations through a wifi connection yet that's what's required now as the result of the pandemic. Why we must build effective leadership skills for a world of digital/remote working.Giving constructive feedback? First state your intention. Research shows that if someone gives us unsolicited feedback we tend to assume sinister motives. When we believe that the person is well intentioned, we're more likely to accept criticism.It can be hard to give critical feedback or have a tough conversation when we are face to face. It's even trickier when we're working remotely because virtual takes away the nuance that can soften the blow of bad news. Find out how to do virtual feedback well.The next generation of leaders will need to be more inclusive, curious, humble & dynamic, with greater appreciation of the role of technology & systems thinking. The future starts now, see this: practising strategy in an uncertain world.Donella Meadows was a genius systems thinker before her time. She identified "leverage points" - where to intervene in a system to create the greatest impact. Our friends at Systems Innovation have created a "Leverage Points Canvas" for practical application.Helen shared a book recommendation about a book she is reading, Connection Culture by Michael Stallard. Does your organisation have a control culture (tricky), an indifference culture (still tricky) or a connection culture (superpower)?
And finally...
Another nugget of wisdom from @lizandmollie . Helen shared that she would try to implement this into her week.