The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
The impact of Covid-19 is weighing heavily on all #OurNHSPeople, with many dealing with loss throughout the pandemic, as well as unprecendented work pressures.
An important thread from NHS Chief People Officer Prerana Issar about the formal support that's available, and the informal support that we can all offer one another.
If you're wanting to make change happen, start with a beacon: a small, tangible win that builds the momentum you need to move from a little change to a big transformation.When people ask Helen "What's the most important thing to remember in making change happen?", this is her response. Even though planning & data are critical aspects, we have to start with a connection with values, through emotions. It's why telling stories is so important.
People are coming together, face to face or virtual, to do important work together in the pandemic. We know when we have found our people. People bring different gifts but our team has common purpose. Even though things are tough, the others are there for us.
Some people think that having to work virtually is killing creativity. However, Kellogg School researchers suggest that virtual can be more creative than face to face. The restrictions in communication it creates can stretch people beyond usual thinking:
Virtual working: Excellent article on negative side-effects of virtual & practical actions to avoid or overcome them. I'd include this in a resource list for managers & leaders, especially as we move to virtual for the long haul.It's great that the Academy of Management has "Bringing the manager back into management" as the theme for its 2021 annual meeting. Managers are playing such a key role in the #Covid19 response & it's time to focus on growing & supporting them.From McKinsey: "To better organise for a post-pandemic future, leaders should embrace nine imperatives that collectively explain “who we are” as an organisation, “how we operate,” & “how we grow”: Aimed at private sector companies but more widely relevant.I'm in many discussions discussions about the changes we want to see beyond #Covid19. This is a good thing provided that the change is connected to a bigger goal or higher purpose. It's making me think about this quote from Peter Fuda. Change isn't the goal, the goal is the goal.If ever there was a time for hope, it is now. Hope is different to optimism. Optimism is a general feeling that good things will happen in the future. Hope is about how we plan and act to achieve what we want. Five ways to cultivate hope.The QI evidence update is a great source of articles & blogs related to improvement in health and care. The January edition is out now: It's complied by NHS people for others in health & care.