The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
How can we support managers & team leaders to support each other through work and personal pressures? Join the next #Caring4NHSPeople wellbeing session, Wednesday 13 January 2021 4pm for a wealth of practical tips & insights. Find out more here.
How to lead when your team is exhausted - and you are too. Very insightful article by Merete Wedell-Wedellsborg in Harvard Business Review - read here.
Most hopeful positive people don't just "feel" hopeful. They've learnt hope as a behavioural process by experiencing struggle over time. Hope doesn't exist without struggle & struggle needs hope to not become suffering. Brilliant sketchnote for our current time.With the smallest of words, actions or thoughts, you can change one person's day, inequality, unfair outcome, culture of fear and/or world yourself. Thank you Julian Stodd.
50 years ago, Douglas McGregor published Theory X & Theory Y, the mindsets with which leaders lead their people. In our current virtual/WFH world, it's so relevant. Remote teams need leadership support driven by Theory Y thinking more than ever:
As the pandemic’s socially distanced slog continues into the winter months, how can we create more fun & energy to keep the morale & delivery of our remote teams going? Here's advice from @LetsGrowLeaders based onfeedback from leaders around the globe:
This week the Horizons team hosted a #FutureNHS workshop. We asked participants to describe their community workspace in one word. The wordcloud beautifully sums up the energised, inspiring event & focus on collaboration & engagement, passion & purpose for #OurNHSPeople & to #Improve4Patients.
"The more things change, the more they stay the same". Shifting to remote work has radically changed how we operate, but the same principles for leading change apply, virtually or face to face. We just need to apply them even more in virtual.
As we face virtual working for the long haul, we, as leaders, need to throw away many of our assumptions about how a successful organisation operates. This (free) "playbook" is a great resource on how to "unlearn" redundant ways of leading.
This week Microsoft launched another upgrade coming to Teams by the end of January 2021, making life easier for virtual facilitators & presenters. We will be able to use a "presenter view" of Powerpoint slides which will make it much easier to navigate between slides & be more emergent.This week, Helen took part in her first ever session using the new breakout room functionality on MS Teams with leaders from across the Improvement Directorate of NHS England. Helen found it so easy & effective. Here's to lots of active, important virtual small group conversations in future on Teams - have you used the new breakout rooms yet?
What the team has been up to
This week the team helped facilitate the first NHS Chief People Officer Faith Leadership Advisory Group meeting. Prerana shared that she was moved by the dialogue and highlighted that everyone was diverse in faith but unified in commitment to advising and supporting NHS colleagues. Like everyone, Horizons has worked relentlessly in response to #COVID19. The transition from real world to #virtualcollaborate has been significant so what better way to celebrate Christmas than with virtual post-its, a festive Jamboard & sharing our appreciation.
Leadership and Teams
Classic project management works well if we're changing processes inside organisations or restructuring. But as the scope of change gets wider & more complex, we need extra approaches, based on collective action, such as social activism. Read more here.This new working paper on the role of improvement during #Covid19 should be of interest to leaders who are committed to continuous improvement or quality improvement & anyone who has a specialist role in improvement and change. Thanks the Q Community.Telling people creates resistance; asking people creates relationships, find out more here.
We think we make decisions on a rational basis but we don't. Cognitive biases are glitches in our thinking that cause us to make questionable decisions & reach erroneous conclusions. Here are 12 of the most common, very well explained.We think that we can multitask effectively but the reality is we can not. Multitasking (or rapid cognitive switching) means that thinking & learning is slower & encoding of memories is less effective & accurate. It's shown very powerfully in this sketchnote from @ImpactWales
And finally...
Helen shared her favourite then and now graphic - and we think you might completely relate!