The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
Next week our Chief People Officer Prerana Issar is leaving her twitter account in the capable hands of three amazing NHS colleagues as part of #BlackHistoryMonth. There will also be a tweet chat on Thursday 29th from 7pm-8pm, see you there!
Don't forget to join us next for our third online event in our financial wellbeing mini-series, ‘Mastering your Money & Creating Healthy Habits’, Thursday 29 October 4pm-5pm. Join here .
A great sketchnote summary of "Inclusify: the power of uniqueness & belonging to build innovative teams" by Dr Stef Johnson. A sense of belonging is key to creating an inclusive team but we must also value the unique things that each individual brings to the team.
Wise advice from Liz and Mollie and their "conflict tip jar". Helen shared that she wished she had always done the things in this jar every time she got into a conflict situation.
What the team has been up to
This week Horizons facilitated a virtual unconference for the NHS North East and Yorkshire on retaining our health and care people, on MS Teams. A hundred people joined the session and they took part in 20 breakout sessions (topics on this graphic), co-created by colleagues from across the region. Part of the process with an unconference is the freedom of choosing a topic you want to discuss and heading to that breakout room. Lots of learning and sharing!
Also this week the Horizons team provided support for the first #ExecSuite Racial Justice virtual conversation with Tracie Jolliff. The session featured guest speaker Robin DiAngelo the author of White Fragility: Why it's so hard for white people to talk about racism. Follow the thread below to find out more.
James Mountford shared the importance of sharing the person behind your tweets, by simply changing a profile picture! We are trying to share stories about us & what matters to us. There's a new functionality on Twitter where when you hit the retweet button, the 'quote retweet' box appears. The box is there so you can add your own thoughts and reflections but you can also just hit 'retweet' without typing anything.
Leadership and Teams
Why are some people more engaged at work and others not? This article says people become engaged when they get "resources".There's growing appreciation of the importance of psychological safety: a shared belief held by members of a team that the team will not embarrass, reject or punish you for speaking up. The Center for Creative Leadership suggests it develops in four stages, where are your teams?When we survey people at work, "silo working" usually appears at the top of the list of the biggest problems. Yes, silos live in structures but a far greater issue is that silos live in our minds & the ways we think & operate. Thanks for the insight & graphic.15 things that, as a manager, you can (& should) manage & one thing you can't. That one thing is people: people are not things. They have free will. The best way to "manage" people is to be the leader others want to emulate & follow says Jesse Lyn Stoner.Empathy: the ability to step into the shoes of another person, aiming to understand their feelings & perspectives, & use that understanding to guide our actions. Empathy makes better leaders. How empathetic are you? Take the empathy quiz.
Virtual working and facilitation
Research shows channels like WhatsApp can aid team resilience during#COVID19. WhatsApp works best in crisis situations where there's 1) a simple communication structure; 2) defined roles & 3) a designated leader for the WhatsApp group.We hold workshops (face to face in the old days, virtual nowadays) to take our projects forward, but what kind of workshop is needed at what stage? Here's great advice from UX (user experience design) but the principles can be applied widely.19-25 Oct is Facilitation Week. In 2020, many of us who facilitate have had to learn new, virtual skills. There are hundreds of virtual events happening next week, most of them free. Follow FacWeek and the hashtag #FacWeekand IAFacilitators, or visit the website.
The NHS needs to have more breakout groups in virtual meetings. Most NHS virtual meetings have no breakouts. It's tricky to set them up in MS Teams but not impossible. In small breakout groups, we have more energising conversations, more likely to lead to breakthrough thinking.
Change and Learning
When we start a change initiative, we should create a theory of change (ToC) to underpin the work. Getting everyone onboard with the key ideas early gets better outcomes. Yet outside the voluntary sector, ToC is a rarely used method. Time to change that!Skills mapping: a useful tool for visualising skills & development needs. You apply it at individual then team level. Here's afree digital templatefor doing it from Niesen and Norman Group. Applied to a team of designers but you can use it for any skillset.Many people in the improvement world are currently talking about "learning systems". Learning systems need to support continuous learning across all of the four Ds - 1. Didactics (formal learning); 2. Doing (experiential); 3. Discourse (social) & 4. Discovery (informal).