The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
August's virtual wellbeing session was this week, and focused on the People Plan. You can catch up with the session here and also read the thread which features the key highlights from the session. Our next session will be on Wednesday 9 September, and will be about "supporting my own and my team's wellbeing", again focused on the People Plan. Find out more here.
A leadership article that's a good fit with where many managers & leaders are in the current phase of response to #Covid19: "Put on your own mask first: energy & leadership in challenging times". A key role now for leaders is to build energy.
Leigh shared this graphic which expresses the feeling when you’ve been tired, overwhelmed, but coping....and then the seemingly most inconsequential event sets you off!
Helen shared that the last time she took leave she ended up working every day. If you work during leisure time, you end up enjoying work less: Read: Don't work on vacation. Seriously.
Covid 19 and Recovery
Daniel shared this blog by Kathryn and Rosanna sharing our recent learning as a team on virtual working for the long-term. How has the covid-19 pandemic changed communications in the NHS? This report from John Underwood, NHS Providers, Julie Hollings et al is worth reading for anyone interested in the NHS pandemic response.
Non-verbal communication is critical when we're working virtually on Teams or Zoom. Don't fall into the trap of thinking it matters less as we can't see each other. The reality is the lesser number of non-verbal cues are even more important.Why do virtual meetings on Teams or Zoom hardly ever start on time? Adrian Segar says that to overcome this, we need to include two times in our virtual meeting invitation: the time when the meeting will open & the time when it will start. Read more.
Learning and Improvement
We say "it's important to learn from failure" but the reality is that most organisations don't. The reason why? Leaders think about failure in the wrong way ("blameworthy"). Powerful sketchnote from Hayley Lewis from strategies for learning from failure by Amy Edmondson.How do people prefer to learn at work? The Learning in the Workplace survey run by Jane Hart shows the least valued approach is didactics (being talked at). So why are so many virtual sessions since #Covid19 being set up as "Live" events where people are talked at with a few Q&As? Click here for more information.
Gervase Bushe has a fab new guide to doing dialogic organisation development (OD) online. You have to sign up to the mailing list to get it. Helen has also shared her slide showing the difference between diagnostic and dialogic, thanks to Sasha Karakusevic and Do OD
One model that Helen repeatedly returns to is McKinsey Influence Model. I've used it in multiple contexts from transforming primary care to pathology improvements. Here it's applied around Covid 19 response.
Do you have a senior operational role in the NHS or partner organisation? I strongly recommend the #Proud2bOps network. It is a thriving community of peers & it has brilliant learning & sharing sessions. It helps you do a better job. Just email to join. Contact here.
And Finally...
Helen shared and relates to this graphic from Twisted Doodles!