The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
This week there were two tweet chats about the People Plan; you can catch up with the tweets by looking through the hashtags #WeAreTheNHS and #OurNHSPeople. Also watch out for a summary report which will be issued within the next couple of weeks. Our NHS People Promise with British Sign Language (BSL) . This is a promise we must all make to each other – to work together to improve the experience of working in the #NHS for everyone.
Our next virtual wellbeing session is Wednesday 12th August at 4pm. We'll be focusing on the #NHSPeoplePlan and #Inclusion. For details on how to join click here.
Inclusion and Diversity
Is it enough to be "inclusive"? Maybe the focus shouldn’t be on fitting people into an existing environment, but creating an expansive environment that changes in response to new, diverse members & the experiences they bring. Learn from the best, sign up here.
The worst bit about most big virtual meetings? Listening passively to people talking with a few Q&As. What's missing? Virtual breakout rooms. We need to unleash the power of small group chats. Zoom is best for this, Teams is promising it.
Effective facilitation is just as important for virtual meetings as for face to face. Five elements of good meeting facilitation by Hayley Lewis providing an excellent summary from "The Surprising Science of Meetings."Often meetings can be over-facilitated. They're well meaning but over-helpful & they stop groups taking responsibility for themselves. The dangers of helping: are you too helpful?When we give a talk or lead a session (virtual or face to face), the scariest bit can be the Q&A afterwards. We're fearful that we'll get caught out or say something stupid. Through Line Group is running an excellent 4 part series on Q&A's, currently on part 3:
Leadership and Teams
Helen is a big fan of 30, 60 or 90 day cycles maximum for projects, even complex ones. Longer deadlines can make people think a project is harder than it is & commit more resources to the work. This, in turn, increases how much they procrastinate.Studies show that operating through cross-functional, cross-organisational teams can create a positive boost to performance & culture. Yet up to 75% of cross-functional teams are dysfunctional. A guide to getting them right.
When people collaborate, they often want different things & when we see conflict in practice it's actually different motivations clashing against each other. That's why the Bristol Collaboration Scale from David Relph is so useful for framing discussion.