The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
NHS People Plan 2020/1

Life and Work After Covid

Many teams aspire to a different future beyond #Covid19. The danger is that we end up with forecasting (incremental changes based on the present), rather than foresight (a radical, transformed future). Here's a great resource for foresight by Colab Alberta.
Many conversations about new ways of working beyond #Covid19 involve unlocking people's agency (their power to make a positive difference). This free book "The Socially Dynamic Organisation" by @julianstodd is a helpful read.

Collaboration and Change
Want to improve collaboration in your organisation or system? There are certain patterns that tend to show up in collaboration &, if we can see & effectively leverage them, our collaboration is likely to be more efficient & productive. Read the post.
Collaboration is important to address complex problems in the turbulent/uncertain world beyond #Covid19, but it's not enough. We also need systems thinking: finding solutions in the many circular, interdependent relationships in the system. Read the article.
Too often when we're designing new ways of doing things, we aspire to involve everyone who has an interest from the start (a good thing) but we don't take enough account of imbalance of power (not a good thing). See a field guide to power literacy.
This article applies systems principles to attacking racial inequality & injustice. We can’t focus actions solely at the point in the system where problems manifest. To create wide-scale,lasting change, we must intervene deeper in the system.
There's never been a better time/opportunity for making big, positive changes happen than now. Mid-level managers & supervisors: you have far more power for change than you probably recognise. You can change the conscience of your organisation or system, as this article describes.
Working alongside @StephLeonard_ as a Director ("trustee") of @actbuildchange is one of the most rewarding things Kathryn does. A chance to be coach, learner, challenger and inside/outside an organisation that's changing the world. Are you a trustee? What do you love most about it?

It's SO important to take proper breaks. Yet research shows that people working from home as a result of #Covid19 are less likely to take breaks. Here's some of the evidence as to why taking proper breaks makes us more creative, productive & impactful.
Have you met Esther? Esther is the persona used in the Swedish health system to drive #PersonalisedCare. @GoranHenricks shared their work with leaders across Sheffield accountable care partnership this week

'Enabling leadership requires a mindset shift such that ‘my role is to think about how I can facilitate & enable adaptation, emergence & change’, rather than directing people what to do'. Read our colleague Diane Ketley's post about why an enabling leadership style is needed for innovation, spread, and adoption.