The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
The last of our weekly (now monthly) wellbeing community sessions was held on Wednesday, and focused on our LGBTQI+ people's wellbeing. A fantastic range of speakers and some great chat activity made for a really engaging and inspiring session. Head here for our live Twitter thread from the session, and here to watch the recording of the session:
One great source of excitement from the session was the prospect of the upcoming #NHSVirtualPride event taking place on Friday 26th. Head here for more information about what looks to be a fantastic event starting 6pm this evening.#NHSVirtualPride day also coincides with the launching of the LGBTQ+ leaders network. Check out their twitter and give them a follow!
See the incredibly important reflections of Zarah and Kathryn on key lessons for public service leadership that they contributed to the Global Dashboard.Helen highlights the importance of creating spaces for people of all experiences and backgrounds to contribute to the discussion freely & safely.Check out the flipbook that was curated by the Global Dashboard which contains Zarah and Kathryn's contributions.Helen also shared this insight from Amy Edmondson about the importance of psychological safety to diversity and inclusion, and how leaders can and should embrace this.
School for Change Agents
As we are looking towards the future of School for Change Agents, Horizons connected with Save the Children UK for wisdom on e-learning techniques used in the humanitarian sector.
Covid Response
The Quality Improvement network is partially defined by its ability to share best practice. Helen shares a great example of sharing Covid response resources that are aimed at shaping a different future. Read more.Here is another link to further QI and safety resources on Covid response.Reverse innovation is the process in which high income countries 'borrow' innovations from lower income countries. Read more.Here's a great framework for helping us make decisions beyond Covid.Check out these fantastic, science driven, ways to encourage safe behaviours during Covid.Covid is becoming increasingly synonymous with change. Helen shares some tips here to move from change to growth.One key theme that is emerging in discussions of inequalities during Covid is the importance of searching for individual perspectives and experiences. Bev shares Joanne's story on what PPE means for her being deaf.
We're having to learn quickly as we shift from face to face learning sessions & conferences to virtual. Some principles for video learning: "the most effective content includes only visuals & narration". Relevant for creating both live sessions & recordings. In the past, most articles we read about introverts vs extroverts at work were about the problems introverts faced in a world of extrovert advantage. Now, with enforced virtual working, many extroverts may be struggling in a world of introvert advantage. Read more:
Social Influence
Kathryn was buzzing from a virtual session with volunteer activitists leading Facebook groups across the UK and globally - it's about how NHS leaders can deepen relationships with digital community activists.
There is significant scope for data analysis in healthcare systems improvement. One area of this that is increasingly important to Horizons work is in social media/network analysis, which is still in very early stages of adoption. Read Graham Mackenzie's analysis of Helen's acount.
Here Helen shares some insights from her own Twitter account - an increasingly important thing to be able to do for leaders is to gain data-driven understand their social influence. See Dr Graham Mackenzie's twitter and blog for more information on how he creates these social network maps.
Kathryn co-ran several sessions on Ethical Leadership with the Staff College this week. Here she shares some into how leaders can embrace the complexity of multiple perspectives.