The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
The National Director for improvement Hugh McCaughey talked this week about the experience in pathology labs of using #Lean methodology, and the opportunity to build on this as we move forward.Find out about the latest platform challenges for Testing Methods 2020.
Regression is a natural phase of crisis: How/what the phase looks/feels like & how leaders can help people move beyond via Amy Cuddy. Our colleague Leigh Kendall has written a post with her reflections on the symptoms, and moving forward towards recovery.
Research from @girlguiding shines a light on how Covid has affected the wellbeing of girls and young women.
Far from this pandemic being a great leveller, it really depends on who you are & where you live. Solidarity matters; our response requires the whole human family working together. Message from David Barro WHO Special Envoy on Covid19.
A brilliant short video about important Covid 19 precautions we all need to take.
Diversity and Inclusion
1 in 6 people are deaf. Opaque masks have an impact on the people who are deaf & hard of hearing. Please read this open letter & consider how you, your team and your community can help.
We at Horizons enjoy working with clinical colleagues and especially #LearningDisability Nurses. Staff, students and partners at Kingston University have developed this recruitment video to continue the important work.The Montefiore Health System in New York does some of the best work in the world on being truly person-centred for patients & staff. They've just launched their new "What Matters to You" implementation toolkit.
Virtual meetings, whilst efficient, tend to run with no breaks. Complete this quick poll by Jo Martin and consider the impact for your sessions too.How to make your (now virtual event) shine. Remember the two minute rule for virtual events: As a presenter or facilitator, always aim to get your participants interacting within two minutes of the start of a virtual event.Helen is a big fan of Jane Hart & her work on modern workplace learning. Here's Jane's latest blog on how to convert face to face learning to virtual.Why not add principles of sociocracy (a governance system based on shared power) to improve your virtual meetings (even Board meetings)?
Social Influence
Helen shared this really cool way of presenting Twitter data, particular for large numbers of tweets. You can create animated word clouds based on your hashtag. You can run this for tweets &/or retweets. Thanks @gmacscotland.
The Prochaska & DiClemente change model is very useful. Often as change leaders we're at stage 4 (action). The people we're trying to persuade to change are at stage 1 (pre-contemplation). It's impossible to get them to do new things. All we can do is build interest.
About psychological safety: Safety is different to comfort. In a team environment that's safe & comfortable, people won't grow or achieve what they're capable of. Safety is connected to trust but again it's a different thing.