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Tweets of the Week, 15th May 2020

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).


This week's wellbeing webinar focused on psychological safety during times of rapid change, and featured Professor Amy Edmondson. You can view the recording, a short video about the themes, read the slides, and the Twitter thread here.
Last week's wellbeing webinar was about the health and wellbeing of a newly-remote workforce. You can view the recording, a short video about the themes, read the slides, and the Twitter thread here. 
Next week's #Caring4NHSPeople webinar will be about applying principles for psychological support, including learning from the Ebola crisis. Joining details for the session will be available here.


The #NHSChangeChallenge aims to identify positive changes that have arisen from the pandemic so that they can be continued. The campaign is starting with trauma and orthopaedics. Find out more information, contribute your own ideas and add to others' ideas here.


Helen recently facilitated a brilliant virtual session on scaling #Covid19 testing organised by the Pathology Alliance.
The second virtual forum for pathology labs included a presentation by NHSE&I Chief Scientific Officer Professor Dame Sue Hill on rapid implementation.


This week saw nurses celebrating International Nurses' Day, including our very own Bev Matthews .


Bev explains how to adopt face-to-face facilitation techniques to use virtually in this blog:

Recently, @ArvindKrishna  the CEO of IBM published his "IBM work from home pledge during times of Covid-19". This is an act of compassionate leadership:

There are pluses & minuses to working virtually from home. On the plus side, according to @inc it tackles three big productivity "sinkholes"; less valueless meetings (16% productivity gain); less workplace distractions (15% gain) & less commuting (13% gain). Read the article.

When you spend hour after hour in virtual meetings via Zoom/MS Teams, how do you stop yourself zoning out? Apparently, the knack is to think less about how to run/contribute to virtual meetings & more about thoughtful & targeted listening. Read more.

Use of tone and pace can influence the participants' experience of your presentation. We are developing a resource for our #VirtualCollaborate programme, including this clip on #TheSecondCircle.

After seven solid weeks of MS Teams, Zoom and Webex, the Horizons team are sprinkling a lot more telephone conference calls into the work mix.


We are in a period of psychological intensity and need to watch out for signs of burnout in ourselves and in others. Find a number of tips in the sketchnote below.

Many people working from home currently find it very hard to switch off. It's so important that we take proper breaks & have down time.

Are you exhausted at the end of a day of constant meetings by Zoom or MS Teams? Virtual meetings are more draining & tiring than face to face. There's even a new affliction called "Zoom fatigue". Here's an explanation from neuroscience.

How can we measure team wellbeing when working remotely during lockdown? The team uses the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Wellbeing survey weekly. It's easy & well validated & we always start our weekly team huddle with the results:

Now that many of us are working remotely, there's a risk that work time & home time just get blurred. That's why it's even more important that we take a proper lunch break. At Horizons we're gauging how many people take a lunch break now as a measure of team wellbeing.Social Influence

Misinformation is prevalent online, so it's always good to fact check. Find out the 7 types of people who start and spread misinformation.
Helen shared 20 Practical Twitter Tips for Online Teachers by SimpliTeach.


To have great teams, we have to simultaneously create a profound sense of belonging & the space/ autonomy for individuals to do their own thing.
As leaders we're at a stage in our response to #Covid19 when we need to take account of Kanter's Law: change is hardest in the middle phase. We mustn't be the leaders saying "I want my life back". We need to be leading forward movement. Read more.

When we reflect on how we've worked differently during #Covid19 & what we want to keep, it's not just about processes & operating systems; its about living our values, connections & shared purpose. It's from a different industry, but relevant. Read the article.

What positive lessons are senior leaders learning from new ways of working as a result of #Covid19? But how do we sustain new behaviours & stop old ones coming back?
Leaders in a #Covid19 world have to deal with complex dilemmas that can be overwhelming adopting a paradox mindset and using a paradox framework can help.

Post COVID-19

Many teams are strategising for a post-Covid future. It's so much stronger if we do this with an underpinning lens, model or theory. Some of the strongest is using Safety II perspective.
As a change practitioner helping to transform your organisation/system beyond #Covid19, are you in "action" mode or "movement" mode? Change leaders can either create solutions or help people find their owns.


Helen recommends listening to the @wef podcast on the massive impact that the Spanish Flu of 1918 had on the world (as much as the world wars) & the profound learning & implications for our current #Covid19 pandemic situation.

The British Columbia Patient Safety & Quality Council from Canada. as a brilliant (free) set of 30+ "Activities for Transforming Teams and Igniting Change" (ATTIC).

Helen has been reading Deborah Gruenfeld's new work on Acting with Power - Power is a relationship, not a resource.
Excellent Stanford article summing up latest thinking & practice on organisational culture.

And Finally... 

A challenge for teams using Zoom, MS Teams &/or other systems to connect virtually. Choose a day next week to play working from home Bingo together & see who can get a full house first. You might want prizes for a line.

Watch TV sports commentator Andrew Cotter on a call with his Labradors.