The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
The People Plan Unconference held this week involved more than 200 people who gathered to generate ideas, share learning and support the implementation of the NHS People plan. The entire agenda was co-created by participants. Thank you to everyone who attended.You can find out more about the day by following the thread below (click the picture).Lou shared a fabulous word cloud to showcase all the things she heard and thought about during the unconference.Karol Kuczera shared a great video of the end of the event, which was a huge snowstorm (for logical ideas and take back for the day) and lava (for passionate ideas) storm.
Our colleague Olly has been curating the @NHS account this week. Olly lives with a congenital heart condition, and has been sharing his experiences in some fascinating threads.
Not only is today Valentines Day, it is also #LoveYourMidwife day. Today we are sharing our own stories and also listening to the stories of midwives and their profession, click on the hashtag to follow! Claire Mathews shares one of her proudest moments of her career, caring for her sister and supporting her to bring her nephew into the world. Heather shared a stand out experience for her, helping a colleague deliver her six sons over 13 years. The IT Midwife shared being proud as an award wining Digital Midwife.
Kerrine Bryan was with our colleague bev at the University of Birmingham to celebrate the launch of My Daddy is A Nurse.
The next Ageing Well event is being planned for 10th March in London and facilitated by our own Helen Bevan. To find out more, book your place and keep up to date with activities and opportunities join the #AgeingWell platform by emailing
#ProjectA ran another virtual improvement session this week; it was about the staff wellbeing collaborative and was joined by a lot of trusts! Thank you to the speakers, and everyone who joined. Stay tuned to hear about more improvement zooms.
The circle of competence is a key concept for improvement leaders and change agents. Helen accepted the challenge to Work out Loud (#wol); this week's is shown below.Senior leadership teams can really aid a team to thrive, but they can also get in their own way and hold back progress. Here are four features that define great leadership teams.