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Tweets of the Week, 10th January 2020

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).


2020 is the Year of The Nurse and Midwife; our colleague Bev has written a blog and a Twitter thread with her top tips on making the best out of this year (click the picture below to view the thread).
There are hundreds ways to work in nursing and midwifery in 2020. Stories will be gathered during the course of the year, to show the diversity of roles and people who are our nurses and midwives. Share your story.
Working with schools to support young people to consider nursing and midwifery as first choice careers can be fun! Signing up to Inspiring TF is a great way to get involved whilst being supported and meeting colleagues too. Sign up here.


On Wednesday, Bev and Pardeep hosted the #PerceptionsOfMidwifery Ambassador virtual forum. Claire spoke about Chief Midwifery Officer Professor Jacqueline Dunkley Bent's key ambitions including influencing perceptions of midwifery.
Michelle Knight is working with her maternity service for #JoyfulJanuary by developing their pen portraits, a key way to support Jacqueline Dunkley Bent's priority to influence #PerceptionsOfMidwifery.
Royal Devon & Exeter Midwifery Ambassador Mair Davies shares how the whole team is key to ensuring we influence perceptions of midwifery.


Our colleague Diane shared details for an upcoming webinar (Wednesday 15th January, 3pm): 'Systems Conveners': the vital unrecognised role catalysing change across complex systems like healthcare. You can register here.

Helen also shared information about the webinar, with reflections about shifting from programme managers towards system convenors.

Here are top ten tips for facilitating emergent processes. Working to enable spread and scale requires embracing complexity and emergence.


Our colleague Leigh shared her conscious effort to use her phone less and be more intentional by using apps that are beneficial (e.g. Calm, music while running). More tips in this graphic by Scriberia.
Feeling sluggish and demotivated coming back to work after Christmas is real. Here are some strategies for getting our energy and focus back.

Communication and Connection

We can learn as much from social movements as we can from traditional management approaches for change in complex organisations. Why change management so often fails and actions that leaders can take to increase the likelihood of success.
There are a variety of techniques facilitators can use to get people to connect. In NHS England we use coffee roulette and randomised coffee trials (RCTs). Here's another strategy for transformational walking meetings.

Helen shared her thoughts on truly listening to other people and showing that you're listening.

Helen shared her favourite tweeters about knowledge; Nancy Dixon, David Gurteen, Harold Jarche and Nick Milton. Here is a great piece by Nancy challenging myths about virtual teams.

A new article in JAMA current: five practices to enhance clinical presence and meaningful connection with patients.

Improving clinical team functioning in healthcare: a newly published systematic review of interventions.

Twitter is offering people control over who responds to their tweets. The proposed change is intended to stop abuse & trolls; let's hope if implemented it doesn't stifle genuine conversation. Read more.


Helen often uses this framework from Arbinger. As leaders in an increasingly complex world of integrated care, we need to be shifting from inward to outward.
Most of our understanding of complexity is intellectual/theoretical. We need more practical ways to apply complexity thinking to big intractable problems.