The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
Making Change Happen
Why can't a single person change the consciousness of an organisation, resulting in large scale cultural change? Why can't that person be a mid-level leader or frontline supervisor? Find out more in the article.
Great to see Simon Sethi and colleagues at Yeovil Hospital in the Financial Times for the way they're addressing increased demand for emergency care over the winter. Yeovil's got strong leadership, a "can do" attitude & a spirit of continuous improvement.Systems leadership is a set of skills & capacities that individuals, organisations &/or communities are increasingly using to catalyse, enable & support the process of systems-level change. It can change the world. Read more.We often talk about systems leadership without thinking through the implications for power within the system. We can't change systems without shifting power. Read more.An excellent sketchnote by Amelia Crabtree of the book New Power by Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms. These are key themes for leaders of change who want to succeed in a world that is increasingly complex & fast moving. Formal authority on its own isn't enough any more.
Congratulations to Jason for completing the School for Change Agents!Congratulations, Helen! We appreciate the kind feedback.
2020 is the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale.
A 30 Day blogging challenge to transform perceptions of nursing and midwifery over 18 months ago triggered a great partnership with @BloggersNurse. We are delighted to support them with their 30 Day Challenges for #YearOfTheNurseAndMidwife.“You continue to demonstrate that despite your technical mastery and the advancement of modern medicine, it is the human to human relationships and simple acts of kindness that sometimes mean the most.” Read the open letter from the Duchess of Cambridge to midwives.New year, new start - 2020 is a year to celebrate nursing and Midwifery, including looking after ourselves and each other. Email for the code by 10 January to be able to access the app.@RegionSigma has launched #NursingShelfie to share books that have influenced thinking to inspire the profession.
Midwifery Ambassadors
Midwifery Ambassadors are running 30 Day Challenges to build positive perceptions of their profession - a key priority for Professor Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent.Midwifery Ambassadors at Royal Devon and Exeter have adapted the #JoyfulJanuary Challenge too.New ambassador Becky Fox is ready to lead the programme for Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust.
#AgeingWell and Primary Care Networks
The NHS Long Term Plan promised integration between community health services and primary care - these new specifications are a great step forward. Please give your views & get involved in driving better care for local residents and integration.Join Nikki Kanani for a tweet chat at 8pm on Tuesday 7th January for a tweet chat and have your say on the new specifications.The importance of nursing roles in Primary Care has been a key development over the last decade. Nurse ambassador Zara Head shares her reflections and hopes for the role to be central to the success of Primary Care Networks in this article.
On Thursday 9th January at 2:00pm Darren Earley , Senior Paramedic from North West Ambulance will be presenting the first virtual improvement session of 2020 on the award winning Basic Steps Response Tool to Mental Health. The session will be hosted on a virtual platform called Zoom, meaning you can join from wherever you are. For joining details, please contact Lynsey.
The team at Greater Good (Berkeley) identified the most provocative and influential findings from the science of a meaningful life published during 2019. Great for thinking about the path to a more purposeful life & more compassionate society in 2020. A new study shows that when we express thanks to another person, it doesn't just improve that one to one relationship but can have a positive effect on a whole team or community. Read the massive ripple effect of saying "thank you".Ten years ago Jade Goody died from cervical cancer at the age of 27. Ladies: go for your smear!"Many of us treat joy like the good china, only warranted on special occasions. Even if we know it is within our reach, we may not see it is within our control.” Life’s too short to not maximise opportunities for joy. Read more.
Building trust & psychological safety is an important first step towards people being engaged, productive collaborators at work but trust on its own won't motivate collaboration. A three step process in a new paper from Amy Edmonson and colleagues.Futurists predict a shift from tightly controlled, hierarchical systems to more "self-organisation" in the workplace. It takes more than new systems & practices. It requires a focus on the culture of management, relationships & interactions. Read more.Why diversity trumps ability. We live & work in increasingly complex, networked environments that require high tolerance for ambiguity.The broader & deeper our connections & the diversity of discussions, the better we can deal with ambiguity. Read the article.
Being "likeable" isn't a panacea for leadership. However, it creates trust & a sense of safety & it means people tend to perform better. It's not hard to be liked by people we "click" with but how do we build likeability more widely? Find out more in this article.When it comes to sketchnoting, Tanmay Vora is one of the most powerful visual connectors on Twitter. Here's his take on social media for better leadership & learning by Celine Schillinger. No, social media isn't a fad that will go away. Leaders need to be there.
This is a slide deck of 72 quotations that Helen posted with her tweets in 2019. Helen hopes these quotations might inspire, motivate and/or challenge you as they have her: During 2019, Helen created many PowerPoint slides as visuals to her Twitter posts. She's curated them into a slide deck. They cover a diverse set of topics for leading change, from transforming systems, to challenging the status quo to trust at work.
Is your 2020 resolution to build your facilitation skills or enable collaboration? Visit this brilliant site offering hundreds of free collaboration tools/resources from Andi Roberts, who is one of the most generous sharers of high quality content on Twitter.
It's worth checking out the 100+ Wharton Leadership Nano Tools which are "fast, effective leadership tools that you can learn & start using in less than 15 minutes".For colleagues in the NHS & wider care system: being shortlisted or even winning a national award is a wonderful boost for a team. There's several award schemes where entries close soon. Think about it: there's nothing to lose & much to gain! Thanks Gloucester Safety and Quality Improvement Academy, and Andrea Gibbons.