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Tweets of the Week, 13th December 2019

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).

Virtual Collaboration

On Wednesday, Helen, Zoe, Kathryn, Leigh, and Pardeep from the Horizons team, and Hugh McCaughey, National Director for Improvement led a session at the IHI Forum on "How virtual collaboration can ignite improvement" - in different locations across two countries!
To find out more about the session, read the thread.
Members of the team were in the top 10 of Twitter influencers at the #IHIForum!
If you're interested in finding out more about virtual collaboration, here's a great toolkit from Virtual Communities for Impact.


Bev wasn't able to go to a team meeting due to an eye emergency but was able to meet virtually! The meeting was to plan for the #AgeingWellimprovement community virtual forum on the 14th of January. To join the improvement community platform, please email

The School for Change Agents

This week we held a live session of the School for Change Agents! If you missed it, you can catch up on Ian's and Jodeme's case studies here. You can also follow the conversations by reading the thread.
Kate Jackson shared that she found the School instrumental and career changing!
Fay shared that she thought School was a great opportunity to learn about how to make change happen.
Gill really enjoyed the school and can't recommend it enough.

Improvement and Change

Some people think that being "disruptive" means putting a wrecking ball to current systems. However, the most powerful disruptors work through relationships and new meaning. Read more here.

As leaders seeking to make improvement happen in our organisations, we tend to over focus on process and under focus on how people are thinking. Read more here.

Many of us use plan-do-study-act cycles in improvement work but issues exist in how PDSA methods are taught, used and supported. Read the list of key PDSA resources from Dave Williams.

Helen shared the "Quality Improvement Evidence Update" that Andrea Gibbons and colleagues in Somerset publish each month. Helen says there is always a few gems in it; read them here.

Spread and Innovation 

Views on how to enable large scale change in health and care are shifting significantly. Slides and recordings from Mary Uhl-Bien's session are available here.


#ProjectA has been hosting a series of free improvement talks; a few weeks ago Leigh presented a session about social influence. You can find out more about it and watch the talk here.
Join the next improvement talk on the 9th January. This talk will be focused on mental health and presented by Darren Earley (Senior Paramedic, North West Ambulance). To find out more, contact Lynsey Oates.


The connection between genomics and those at the point of care is set out helpfully in this blog by Deputy Chief Nursing Officer Hilary Garrett.

What the team has been up to 

Helen Bevan and Goran Henriks presented on mass customisation and how it can be related to personalising patient care at the IHI Forum this week. You can find out more by following the thread.
You can get a sense of the topics at the IHI Forum that happened this week: scroll through this compilation of the 173 top tweets.

Leadership and Teams

As managers and leaders we are "signal generators". Here's a sketchnote about signal-sending for new managers based on this article.

Trust is crucial for effective teams and leadership of systems. How to restore trust if the horse has bolted? Read the post by Darleen DeRosa.
How to establish your leadership presence as a leader who gains trust and influence: read the post.
Helen shared the importance of a "check-in" at the start of a meeting to set your group up for collective success. ideo talks about the importance of "warming up"; you can read about it here.

Personal Development

Helen shared a free tool kit of 25 creative methods for problem solving.
Leigh shared a great image about self-awareness and realising our potential.
A 30 second guide to improving your memory.

And finally...