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Tweets of the Week, 6th December 2019

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).


On Tuesday, the Horizons team helped to facilitate the #AgeingWell big conversation on Urgent Community Response. Find out what happened during the conversation by reading the thread.
The #AgeingWell virtual session received excellent feedback! Save the Date for the next #ageingWell Improvement Community Virtual Forum - Thursday 14th January 2020 between 1.30 and 3pm. 

The School for Change Agents

This week at The School for Change Agents we are thinking about the scale and spread of ideas. Thank you for sharing this Joanne.
Sofia shared that she started School this week and is really enjoying it so far! 
Join the thousands of others finding their power and building their agency at the School for Change Agents, click here to sign up!


The children of the Deaf Centre at Percy Shurmer Academy have been instrumental in shaping the primary school resource we have developed for young people from diverse backgrounds to consider nursing as an extraordinary career. You can follow the thread for the Signed Advent Calendar here.
Genomics is becoming increasing important for nurses and midwives to understand. Hilary Garrett, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer shared her story of change.


Midwifery Ambassadors are being nominated by their head of midwifery. Professor Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent welcomes Julie Haugh, a new midwifery ambassador in North Cumbria.
This week midwifery was mentioned during "I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!" showing how role models are key for transforming perceptions of midwifery.

Patient Care

On Tuesday, our colleague Dominic participated in Giving Tuesday by spending time in Walsall Health and Care helping staff and patients.

Leigh shared that she requested a repeat prescription via the NHS App. This is free to download, and quick to set up. Find out more here.


Virtual connectivity can be a beautiful way to work. Here we had Andrew on his mobile, Ian in his 'home office' and Sarah at home with gorgeous Levi on her lap.

Personal Development

A brilliant opportunity to shadow the NHS Digital Comms Team. Watch their video, and to find out more about the opportunity and how to apply visit their website.
Many of the problems we face in health and care are profoundly complex, they need a different mindset. You can read the great advice from Sonja Blignaut here.
We should welcome feedback and offer it when we can perform at our best. Find out how to give feedback that adds the most value here.
We have to rethink learning at work. Learn the core things on the job, with immediate feedback and reapplication. Read more here.
Someone who starts a business at age 60 is three times as likely to be successful as a 30 year old. We're never too old to have career success; read more.

How to overcome your "checks email" or "checks twitter" distraction habit. Read the advice.


Sasha shared a link to a new publication about taking action against clinician burnout.There are profound health inequalities in connection between mental and physical health. Here is a practical guide from the Q Community and Mind charity.
Five questions that help gain understanding, build rapport, build a genuine connection and generate conversation rather than one-word responses.
Powerful sketch note by Sherrill Knezel about choosing love.

Social Influence

Twitter has huge value for engaging with diverse audiences. How can we make sure that we're shouting from the rooftops, rather than singing to a choir? Read the post.
A 10 minute "must watch" video on the evolution of social networks. Click here to view.
An outstanding sketch note from Kristin Wiens on 'rethinking power needs.'


The future of leadership, from the Network Weaver's Guide. Click here to read.
Often mid-level managers are labelled as blockers of change. Helen shared that she thinks middle managers are critical to large scale change; read the article.
Research from McKinsey & Company on practices and mindsets of Chief Executives who excel in their leadership roles. Read more.

In addition, we also need skills for network leadership.

A great sketchnote of 'ritual dissent' as a facilitation technique. Read more.