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Tweets of the Week, 8th November 2019

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the blue text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).

School for Change Agents

The first week of School for Change Agents is underway! Watch this video where Hanna Zafar shares her reasons why you should take part in School. The course is delivered via a series of online modules so if you haven't signed up yet don't worry, there's still time! Click here to sign up.
Helen really enjoyed the first week of School for Change Agents, particularly loving the articles and new/old power concepts.
Nicola loved week one and is looking forward to learning a lot more and making changes within her team.
Jackie is looking forward to getting her team up and flying with the School for Change Agents! A lovely thought!


The ability to effectively share your personal story is a key skill for change agents. Zoe has eight great tips for sharing your personal story to create change in this blog which also includes a video of Zoe sharing her own moving story.
If you want to change the culture of your organisation, you may need to take a wrecking ball to its most iconic practices. Find out more here.
On Monday (11 November), Helen will be running a masterclass on "Making change happen from within" at the Sir Peter Carr Awards 10.45-13.15. There are some extra spaces free to anyone in health & care. If you work in/near Leeds, why not come along? Click here for more info.Many colleagues say they can't make even small improvements at work as "they haven't got permission". Yet research says that bosses favour team members who show "self-initiation & change-orientation". Read more here.
Great change leaders observe and make changes to routines, rather than launch grand change initiatives. Read more here.
Last Friday, Kathryn attended the annual 15 Seconds 30 Minutes Festival in Plymouth. Here's her favourite idea from the event:


On Thursday, Helen shared her thoughts whilst listening to a talk by Dame Carol Black on supporting #OurNHSPeople to be healthy and well. She displayed data from Britain's Healthiest Workplace survey showing that healthy managers lead teams of healthy people. We need to focus on supporting NHS managers in their health.
New research from Robertson Cooper shows that if we want to enhance staff productivity, it's more important to focus on staff wellbeing than staff engagement. The ideal scenario is "sustainable engagement" that straddles both. Click here to read more.

A new report from National Academy of Medicine (USA) recognises that clinician burnout is a systemic issue that causes harm to patients. Read more here.

We all know exercise makes us feel good but why? This post by Ellen Allsop explains the science behind HOW exercise helps our minds as well as our bodies, click here to read.

Leigh shared a great reminder that we don't need to do it all. Start with one step, one act, do what you can!

Leadership and Teams

There is an increasing understanding that psychological safety is important. However, making it happen can be tough as it can threaten existing leadership approaches. Read more here.

Globally, organisations are shifting their leadership approaches away from command & control/ instructing to approaches where managers give support & guidance i.e. coaching. Click here to read more.

This is a "classroom constitution" that we can learn greatly from when developing "living our value" statements, team charters, " what to expect from a modern employer" and leadership compacts. Thank you for sharing, Kelsey Keller.

Organisations have (shadow) social structures that most leaders aren't aware of. If we can help accelerate the speed at which people integrate into the social structure, they're more likely to be retained and to provide value more quickly. Read more here.

This is the best article on meetings Helen has read in a long time - it's a fun read!

Helen shared a story in last Friday's Harvard Business Review about a healthcare system in California setting up an organisation-wide reading club so staff in every role can read a book together and explore themes about patient care & their own development. Click here to read.


On Monday, #VirtualCollaborate ran a large session with 44 people joining from different parts of Denmark and the UK!

On Thursday another #VirtualCollaborate session for AQuA colleagues exploring functionalities of virtual communication tools. If you're interested in learning virtual collaboration skills too, find out more about how NHS Horizons can help you.

#ProjectA (Improving Ambulance Services)

Congratulations to Darren Earley and Gill Drummond who are finalists in the 2019 Sir Peter Carr Award with their fabulous Mental Health Basic Step Tool. Find out more about it in this blog. The award winners will be announced on Monday; all the best of luck to Darren, Gill, and all the other finalists.
Are you interested in using data for improvement? There's a Model Ambulance Portal Webinar on 26 November at 12.30pm. Register for the session here.


Chief Midwifery Officer Professor Jacqueline Dunkley Bent welcomed #PerceptionsOfMidwifery Ambassadors at their virtual forum and set out her key priorities for their role. Click here to watch the video.

#WelcomeYP (Welcoming young people into careers in Nursing and Midwifery)

NHS Horizons will be working with seven local sites to welcome young people to consider nursing and midwifery as careers of choice. Follow their progress and find out how you can get involved by clicking here.


The image of nursing: Dr Marion Lynch explores how nurses are portrayed in art and calls for new perspectives. Read more here.

And finally...

The Horizons newsletter for November was published this week. You can read it here. To have it delivered straight to your email, sign up here.