The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
School for Change Agents
On Thursday there was a workshop about Sensemaker (which is the tool that School participants have been filling in about their experience of School, and how they are using what they have learnt). Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday including @johncla999, @SECAmbEm and @YAS_NathanielS. The session was led by Rosanna Hunt - and thanks to Dave Snowden.The School for Change Agents is back on the 4th November! For more information and details of how you can sign up click here.
Change is constant, whether it's a formal process or simply life evolving. That means we all need to find ways to move forward and embrace new opportunities. This fab sketchnote by @Haypsych is part of an ebook of sketchnotes available to download for free, click here.
What is the difference between improvement and innovation?
Helen recommended reading an up-to-date interpretation of Donella Meadows leverage points, by Jen Andersson. Click here to read.
Helen shared that the Collaborate CIC and NESTA UK have formed the upstream collaborative to address social problems upstream. Health and care improvers need to learn from this, read more here.
#ProjectA (Improving Ambulance Services)
Steve Clarke, the mental health lead from Welsh Ambulance delivered a brilliant session on Wednesday morning as part of the #ProjectA series of virtual improvement sessions.A lovely shout out for an ambulance dispatcher, celebrating unsung heroes! Watch the video.
What the team has been up to
On Tuesday, Horizons colleague Dominic held a Virtual Collaboration training session. Helen and Claire supported the South East Regional Leadership Summit and heard talks from Matthew Gould, CEO of NHSX, Prerana Issar, Chief People Officer and a presentation from the Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) team about the practical ways in which leaders can address equality of opportunity.Helen asked her followers whether toast was given to staff members, especially those on night shift. This has become a wide Twitter discussion since an article shared that patients being denied toast was the largest complaint about NHS food. Click here to read the article.
Four 'harmless' habits that sap your brain power detailed in this sketchnote:Helen shared a lovely quote "It passes... until then, it teaches". Helen's cat Rolf is the campus cat at Warwick University & a champion for student wellbeing. He hosts a cat cafe in the uni library for #StudyHappy. Last Saturday, Rolf attended the open day where he hung out with student ambassadors. Never underestimate the healing power of animals.
How can we make our meetings into spaces where people feel they can have honest conversations? This article has great practical advice about creating the psychological safety necessary for innovation and high performance, read more here.The social landscape of our organisations is changing: transformational force of technology, rebalanced power between service user/system & employer/employee. New ways of working utilise the dynamic tension between formal & social systems. Click here to read more.
Analysis shows that senior leaders are often the people who are worst at collaborating across organisational boundaries. They compete for internal resources & send mixed messages to their teams. How to bust these silos? Read more.Helen shared her view on the problems of speaking about 'empowerment', read more in this article.Some leaders are confused about the difference between performance feedback & coaching. Performance feedback often makes people feel under pressure & defensive. Coaching, done with compassion, can help people move closer to their dreams. Read more here.
A great "guide on a page" designed by secondary school teachers for their students, but many of us adults could do with this as well.
Great tips for reframing phrases commonly used in emails, saying what we need instead of using qualifiers:
And Finally...
Helen is running the London Marathon 2020 for the British Red Cross. The Red Cross does outstanding work in health & care, particularly urgent & emergency care, supporting some of the most vulnerable people to get home & stay at home.