The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
Improvement Helen has been reflecting on quality improvement within NHS organisations. Fantastic example of showing how one small behavioural change can significantly boost the collective intelligence of an organisation; read more here . #Hellomynameis is so powerful. Zoe shared her experience of the relief of being on the receiving end. Find out more about the campaign. When we think about the future direction of safety in healthcare settings, we should consider 3 approaches: 1) Complex adaptive systems; 2) The three models of safety & 3) Safety I & Safety II. Read more. "Today's problems, yesterday's toolkit": a new report from Australasia on the mindset & skills that public servants need to deliver value in an increasingly complex world. The focus is on enabling, supporting & rewarding innovation. #ProjectD Anyone interested in diversity is welcome to attend this interactive event where together we'll be coproducing solutions - next Thursday, 5 September in London. There are still a few places remaining - find out more and book your place . If you're not able to attend, you can follow along on Twitter via the hashtag #ProjectD.
There's already a great buzz about the event on Twitter, such as from Oli . Bo created this brilliant video to explain more about why the event is taking place, and what participants can expect from the day.
#ProjectA Ian and Lynsey had a great conversation with the Model Hospital this space for news about a virtual meeting (via Zoom) for further discussion about the opportunities! Working together Facebook research found that people want three things from work: 1. Career; 2. Community; 3. Cause. We often focus on our career, but we can take work to a different level if we help people feel part of a united team working for a higher purpose. Helen was thinking about the importance of meaningful work. If we want powerful systems for learning & improvement, we need to think at three levels; 1) strong, trusting work teams to get the work done; 2) communities of practice/improvement to share & learn; 3) social networks to prompt new thinking. Helen has been thinking about what it takes to be an effective facilitator. Colleagues had a great design call to shape up the Midlands Frailty Focus Learning Event that is taking place on 10 September. ...and what can happen when we don't work well together
An "organisational pathology" is anything within an organisation that has become dysfunctional, counterproductive, inefficient, disruptive and/or destabilising, to an extent that is “pathological.” Here's a list of 10 such pathologies. Social Media People at work want relationships/connections with leaders. That's why many of the best NHS leaders make a massive effort to have frequent, brief conversations. Social media & platforms are playing an increasing role in this. Read more: Helen has always tried to tweet great content from other people. A month ago, she started to post more of her personal views though a daily #HBonmymind tweet. Her Twitter traffic has increased by 30%+. Sometimes there's more power in your own voice than you think. Wellbeing Work can be busy and stressful - here's some great tips for staying well at work. Helen has been thinking about autonomy at work. Sometimes things don’t work out how you thought they would, It’s ok to be disappointed, but don’t be deterred. Keep going.