The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
Sir Peter Carr Award
Do you work in a manager/clinician partnership towards an improvement initiative you are leading together? Helen would like to encourage NHS colleagues to apply for the Sir Peter Carr award. There's a prize of £30,000, and the deadline for applications is 30 September 2019. More information about how to apply is available here.
Another huge thank you to all who joined the first #OurNHSPeople tweet chat. There was a wealth of lively conversation that is captured in the report, which you can read here.
Join us for the #ProjectA tweet chat on Wednesday 14th August between 7pm and 8pm about ambulance improvement. It's great to see lots of people getting geared up for the chat, including Sasha, Nathan, and Jaqui.
Last Friday there was an accelerated design event (ADE) about the possibility of creating an ambulance improvement faculty. Thank you to everyone who attended and helped make the day so productive.
The event was held at a beautiful Grade 1 listed building - the Museum of the Order of St John. Ambulance equipment may have changed, but the core principles remain.
West Midlands Ambulance Service CEO Anthony Marsh was a guest speaker at the event; he explained the vision for the faculty.
Ian has written a blog about last Friday's event...and crossing the improvement chasm. Read the blog.
Thank you to the Academy of Fab NHS Stuff for promoting the Directory of Good Ideas. You can read more here.
Thank you Carol for sharing this! It's great to see lots of individual ideas being created across #ProjectA.
This month is #WeActiveChallenge which is about encouraging us to be a little bit more active than yesterday. Bev has written this blog to encourage her nursing colleagues to join in by posting a picture with #NursesActive.Joining the nursing Ambassadors zoom sessions was initially difficult for Joanne so we put a call out on Twitter for suggestions of headsets for people with hearing impairment or deafness. What also came out of that call was a link to headsets that were to get Joanne back in her running shoes for #NursesActive.Resilience is our ability to withstand disruptions & adversity & come back from them. There are a variety of powerful practices for leaders & teams for learning from failure & creating resilience. Here's some great resources.Helen has been thinking about how we stay resilient as internal change agents. A systematic review of research evidence concludes: "Encouraging mobilisation in medical patients could reduce the average length of stay by two days for an older person admitted to hospital for medical treatment, compared with usual care". Plus many extra benefits for patients.
Ageing Well
Are you working to support #AgeingWell? Come and join @AgeingWellNHS shaping improvement communities to transform care and services for people living in the community on Wednesday 25th September 10am - 4pm at the Oval, south London. Book your place.
On Wednesday night Bev supported Chief Nursing Officer Ruth May with an impromptu tweet chat resulting in the mini uniforms now being dispatched to Peadiatric out patient departments across England.
If we want to give someone feedback, we need to be in the right headspace. This applies whether we're planning a performance review or a peer-to-peer discussion or having a mentoring conversation.Helen has been thinking about how we design events/meetings for large groups of people.When people talk about "collaboration", they often mean different things. Here's the Bristol Collaboration Scale created by @david_relph. It helps us understand different peoples' motivation for collaboration & what level is needed in a given context. Read more.
Innovation and Change
Helen has been thinking that when leaders introduce a new change initiative/priority/policy into organisations, they need to specify how it fits with the existing ones.How to lead change in an organisation that has a track record of failing at change: 1) Acknowledge the pain of the past; 2) Ground your plan in evidence; 3) Regularly ask how your plan for change feels different from past efforts. Read more.Helen has been thinking about how important it is for organisations to adopt a systemic approach to improvement.Don't put a digital expert in charge of your digital transformation or your skunkworks. Appointing an insider who understands the organisation & has existing relationships (even if they don't know much about digital) is a much better bet. Read more:
The Sloan Management Review is making 12 of its most-read leadership & management articles available free of charge for a short time. There's great content here, everything from "What makes work meaningful?" to "The control function of management". You can access it here.
Change Agency
Helen has been thinking about how we build agency -"the power to make a positive difference" amongst those who lead change/improvement.
Everyone has to earn the right to influence, based on trust & relationships. Even the most senior leaders can't just walk in & start influencing based on their formal status. Here's some wise advice on how to earn the right to influence:We want people to speak up so we can stop bad things happening & to enable more innovation. New research shows that the ability to speak up is a much deeper & complex issue than individual courage. It is both relational and systemic. Read more.Helen has been thinking about how change agents should aspire to be positive people.Helen has been thinking that many of the best internal change agents operate "from the edge".