The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
"The NHS is a service focused on promoting health & wellbeing but in the process it’s damaging the health & wellbeing of a large proportion of its workers...It doesn't have to be that way". Read more.Being busy isn't a badge to wear with this blog there's lots of useful tips for being less busy and more productive, such as identifying what's really important, and planning for your energy peaks & lows. There's a fierce debate raging in the field of employee engagement/joy in work. Should we primarily focus on "happiness at work" or on "meaning in work"? This new article is in the "meaningfulness" camp - also where Helen thinks we should start.
A huge thank you to everyone who took part in Hugh McCaughey's third #Improve4Patients tweet chat. We'll be compiling the feedback and ideas in to a report that we'll be sharing soon.
Working with schools is a key priority for Ambassadors going forward. Learning when the key point to influence perceptions is key to helping young people consider nursing or midwifery as their career of choice. Click here to read the article.
One of the key ambitions for Ambassadors is to be an inspirational role model. Bev recently went back to Percy Shurmer school with Joanne Mohammed who was inspiring children attending their Deaf Base that they too can have a fantastic career. Click here to read Joanne's blog.
Everyone Can Be A Role Model - step up and step in, don't leave it to someone else. Here's Bev's blog, including a link to the "From Surviving to Thriving" Accelerated Design Event on 14th June 2019. Story telling is very powerful so hearing how people’s stories influence their work creates trust and faith in regulation. Read more here.Nurses' health is important. Bev has joined the August #NursesActive 30 Day Challenge.
School for Change Agents 2020
The 2020 School for Change Agents is an opportunity for organisations to deliver the Nursing Now global #NightingaleChallenge.
On Friday team members, and colleagues from ambulance services attended an event to test and build the concept of an improvement faculty for ambulance services. You can find out more about the event through looking for #ProjectA tweets.
Shared purpose is the untapped power that connects successful teams, organisations &/or human systems. Click here to read more.
Some people want to do a task...others don't. Some will have the required ability for the task...others won't. A useful model for understanding how to motivate diverse people (the article is based on sales, but relevant to all). Read the blog.
Helen has been thinking about the relationship/tension between organisational performance & organisational health. We won't get a sustainable high-performing organisation or system unless it is also a healthy organisation or system.How to be successful in a toxic culture. This can be an incredibly difficult environment from which to deliver good work. It can suck the energy out of us & make us question ourselves all the time. But we can still survive & even thrive. Read more here.In the change agent community, some people are anti-hierarchy. Helen isn't against hierarchy; in fact, Helen doesn't know of any organisation that isn't hierarchical in some way. It's just that on its own, hierarchy is not enough to deliver big change. Read more here.
Innovation and Change
Helen loves reading newsletters from health & care organisations that are reaping the benefits from a positive investment in quality improvement. Great work here on reducing restrictive practice on mental health wards. Here's a quiz question for all in the health & care improvement movement: what's the difference between "Implementation Science" & "Improvement Science"? Click here to read more.
Eight habits of people who always have great ideas:
If you want to create change, expect a lot of opposition, particularly if you're in a large, political organisation or system. Don’t ignore your haters. Embrace them. Learn from them. They can be the key to driving transformation forward.
Spread and Scale
To make change happen across a system, how do we identify our "leverage points" (the places where a small shift in one thing can produce a big change in a lot of things)? An important consideration in large scale change. Read more here.Benefits of an innovation can change over time. This is a really important and interesting study of sustainability and spread. It shows that through adaptation over time the benefits of an intervention / innovation can change from intended to other still valuable benefits. Click here to read.If we want improvement on a big scale, we need system-wide knowledge sharing. People are more motivated to share knowledge for intrinsic reasons than because of external incentives (e.g., where they felt "controlled" into doing it by others). Read more here.
Social Media
When is fake news not fake news? Understanding 10 types of 'fake news' - or troublesome content on social media including 'sock puppets', 'click bait', 'deep fake'. Read more.
Becoming digitised (for operational excellence) is different to becoming digital (for rapid innovation). The only thing they have in common is technology. Digital needs a different mindset & a shift in power. It means having to break the rules: read the article.
What the team has been up to
Helen spoke to to 1,000+ people at the Police Now impact conference on Wednesday. It's brilliant to see a whole new generation of police officers & detectives, being recruited & trained to be leaders in society and on the policing front line.
Congratulations to @NewcastleHosps the first NHS organisation to declare a #ClimateEmergency. Helen hopes that they are the first of many.