The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
Thank you to everyone who joined Issar Prerana (@Prerana_Issar) & Navina Evans (@NavinaEvans) for the #OurNHSPeople tweetchat last Monday (8th) . We loved reading your contributions! We'll be writing a report including your ideas and feedback.

The tweetchat was very lively and possibly the biggest NHS tweetchat ever! 1,950 diverse people took part.

Save the dates in your diaries for two more #OurNHSPeople tweet chats. The next two will be 12th August and 9th September. Both 7pm-8pm.

If you haven't yet joined a tweetchat and you're not too sure how to. Click here for some advice.
Rock Assembly

James Landi, one of our ambassadors was demonstrating pressure ulcer and compression bandaging basics with help from Zoe (@ZCarciente)


Congratulations to one of our Ambassadors Zara (@zar_head) for doing her first vlog to celebrate a year since her first blog post. To see Zara's vlog, click here.


Gill said she had a fantastic morning and Darren did brilliantly.
Ian said the meeting was the best 'Horizons' check in ever - two colleagues who never met, sat 10 ft away from each other) travelled all the way from Yorkshire Ambulance Service headquarters to Bolton and met for the first time. The power of connection!

What the team have been up to

This week has been the #endpjparalysis global summit - It's all about reducing deconditioning by getting people up dressed and moving when they're in hospital. @Zoelord1 and colleagues from @ECISTnetwork @KateSlater2 @wolvesboy @DevlinPJ delivered a session on enabling and sustaining large scale change.

There’s still time to join the #EndPJparalysis randomised coffee trial where we’re connecting people all over the world to have a conversation & share knowledge, ideas & insights.

What do you know? We use the Johari window to help us establish what we know, what we don't, blind spots and what we can do about it. Dan Connors explains how this tool can be used and how it can help teams remedy a situation. Read more here.

In co-creating change, we must take account of power and privilege: 1) Power is the ability to affect an outcome 2) Privilege is not evenly distributed. Not everyone can take the same risks; 3) Power and privilege shape how we see our world. Read more here.

To inspire is give someone the desire or ability to do or feel something. To aspire is to direct our hopes & ambitions towards achieving something important. If we want our teams to be engaged, we need to mix inspiration & aspiration. Find out more here.

One of the big themes that is emerging globally on people at work is the key role of emotions; emotional diversity (different things make us happy at work), the need for personalised care of staff & emotional intelligence at a system level. For more info click here.

Social Media

And Finally...
Even small actions can help in the climate crisis. When Helen is facilitating a workshop, I try to carry all the materials with me on public transport so they don't have to be couriered. I've got this nifty Swedish trolley with 6 wheels that climbs stairs in tube stations