The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).

The School for Change Agents

What skills do you need to be a change agent in a complex world? Have a read of this summary blog by Leigh Kendall.

It's the Global #EndPJparalysis Online Summit next week 10th-12th July with an array of speakers from around the world. Zoe is speaking at 2pm (BST) on Thursday about enabling and sustaining large scale change. If you'd like to join, you can view the programme here.

As part of the #endPJparalysis 2019 virtual summit, we're hosting a global #RandomisedCoffeeTrial to help the community to connect, share knowledge and experiences. Join here.

Diversity and Inclusion

Useful quick tips for improving diversity & inclusion 1) Self-awareness: recognising bias. We're hardwired to favour those who are like us 2) Managing emotions 3) Empathy - understanding others' perspectives

Great #personalisedcare graphic showing a shift in relationships between people and heath & care professionals e.g. FROM feeling powerless against a health & care system TO working in partnership with health & care professionals, sharing power

On 19 September there will be a event about diversity in UK ambulance services. We held the first design call this week.

The 2018-19 Yorkshire Ambulance Service Quality Improvement Fellows have finished their year's fellowship but will continue on as QI Advisors supporting this year's cohort and using their skills and experience to support QI projects across the Trust and nationally as part of #ProjectA.

Ian and Lynsey are pulling together a schedule of open 'improvement' and learn zoom showcases for ambulance services.

Nursing Now England


The Horizons team will help to play a part in #NHSWarOnWaste by championing virtual meeting and workshops so much less travel is needed. Follow NHSWOW (@nhswow) to find out more about fighting the climate crisis.

Love this. It shows how a simple re framing can help change your thinking - and help build your confidence in so many ways.

Leigh attended #BabyLossHourLive on Tuesday. There was a lot of interest in a bereavement card Leigh created for the St Georges Hospital, - click here for the info. Feel free to use this resource but please mention #HugosLegacy if you do so.

Social Media, Networks, and Spread

It's brilliant to see that the British Journal of Surgery is publishing a monthly summary of its Twitter life (& interactions).This is where the world is headed. Social media is not a fad & you can't fight progress. Click here to read more.

Diane has written a fantastic blog about spread, outlining helpful lenses to help understand and inform our approaches to spreading innovation and improvement. Click here to read.

A really lovely human, humorous way of dealing with a spat. Great example of enabling social media teams to engage (not just broadcast) as is appropriate for each case, rather than corporate identikit responses. To be humans, not robots

When we redesign complex health & care services, we often overlook the fundamental issue of power in relationships between people. We must call out power asymmetry, whether between people & their clinicians or senior leaders & front line staff. Click here for more info.
What's the role of the change leader of the future? There are six aspects ("the six Cs"). I can see this role emerging in health click here& care.
In health & care, we're moving from a focus on independent organisations to a focus on inter-dependent ecosystems. This requires profound changes in the ways that we manage and lead. This article offers insights. Read more here.
New thinking coming out of Ashridge Executive Education on the "intelligences" that leaders need for a complex, inter-dependent world: 1. Ego-intelligence (with/within boundaries); 2. Eco-intelligence (between boundaries); 3. Intuitive-intelligence (beyond boundaries). Click here to read.Organisational leaders in health & care can contribute to improvement in terms of their processes (a systematic approach to quality), their leadership & underlying features such as giving time & resources for improvement. Read here.
“Meetings are a great place to flex some muscle for people with big egos, & a terrible place for people who have great ideas but not much status.” A bit harsh perhaps, but some fresh ideas here for reinventing meetings. Read more here.
Too often when we restructure organisations, we don't take enough account of the impact on social connections. If restructuring happens at the same time as digital transformation etc, it might be too much churn for people. Click here to find out more.
And finally...
Helen had one-to-one tuition this week from Leigh on using graphics package called Canva. It's part of Helen's mission to keep up in the visual age! They created a plethora of new presentation slides as part of the training, the image below shows one of Helen's favourites.