The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
The School for Change Agents
This week was the fourth live webinar for the School for Change Agents, the topic was Moving to ACTION. You can catch up with the webinar by clicking here. Catch up on all the modules on Future Learn.In this week's School for Change Agents, Kathryn shared the late Jo Cox's inspirational story. Jo Cox believed in a kinder, more connected world. In our fourth live webinar Kathryn spoke about how Jo framed her message to move others to action- and how the Jo Cox Foundation (@JoCoxFoundation) continues to do this now. Catch up on the webinar by clicking here.
A brilliant summary of the module by Kezia Marshall.
It's great to see that change agents are already looking for opportunities to share their stories.The live webinar 3 : Purpose and Power was epic, with so much learning! Have a read of Leigh Kendall's (@LeighaKendall) reflections on this by clicking here.
Nursing Now England
A great example of a community "moving to action" - the nursing community came together to support Jess (@Janderzzz) to transform the Guinness World Record and public perceptions of the profession. This was a case study featured in the latest School for Change Agents module.
Thinking about returning to practice? NHS Health Education England launches a new campaign to encourage nurses back to the profession, find out more here. Have a read of Bev's blog about her experience returning to nursing, click here.
Bev is facilitating a "Break the Rules" session with @DudleyGroupNHS nursing and midwifery teams. Bev shared her excitement about being born and bred Dudley girl as well as a Registered Nurse and Return to practice Nurse.
On Friday (14 June) Horizons was at the 'From Surviving to Thriving' event - looking at the experiences of #BAME nurses and midwives. Click on the picture below for a fantastic thread including some of the highlights from the event.The Nursing Now England local Nottinghamshire network was represented at the event. We adapted the children's party game of "consequences" to create our own action planning consequences at the end of the Nursing Now England, BAME workshop. There will be consequences if all of us in the room take action.A HUGE thank you to all the incredible speakers, and fantastic participants who worked so hard today sharing ideas. We'll be circulating the report soon - let's get creating action and move from surviving to thriving for our BAME colleagues.
To view the slides from the morning sessions (including the speakers' presentations) click here.
Helen was at the Yorkshire Ambulance (@YorksAmbulance)Leadership Summit last Tuesday (11th June). She shared her thoughts on the powerful value-driven opening talk from Rod Barnes (@Rodbarnes_yas) and said it was fantastic to see the way that YAS is building a systematic approach to quality improvement.
Helen also spoke about improvement at the Leadership summit. To view her slides, click here.
Social Media
On the 26th June at 7pm we will be holding our second tweet chat with Hugh McCaughey (@HughMcCaughey). If you missed the first tweetchat, have a look at this report to find out how it went.
Three ways that social media can help senior leaders to be better leaders: 1) Better decisions through access to unfiltered information, 2) Better performance through relational engagement, 3) Success with transformation via mindset change. Read more here.
Helen shared that she loved how colleagues in Dorset were using social media in a positive way. To find out what they were doing, click here.
When it comes to digital transformation, many of the cultural, strategic, leadership & talent responses are far more important & far more difficult than the technological ones. How to grow a culture where digital can flourish. Find out more here.
Wednesday 19 June 8pm BST: A tweetchat on improvement approaches to improve the experience of patients & families. Just join in with the hashtag #QIhour. It's run by improvement activists in health & care & it will be a brilliant discussion. All welcome from anywhere in the world.
Engagement and Communication
If we want deeply engaged staff across our organisations, we need to unleash the most important factor in building the culture we want: managers. If our managers aren't engaged, our staff won't be either. Click here to read more.Staying connected with a dispersed or remote workforce is reported as one of the biggest challenges for organisational communication. Read this new research report into the issues by clicking here.
What factors have the biggest impact on the success of coaching at work? Much of it relates to the motivation & confidence of the coachee/client & the extent to which the coach & coachee are able to build a trusting relationship, click here to find out more.
What are your #PetHates regarding change/improvement terminology? Helen's include "change management" (as if complex change processes can be intricately planned); "empowerment" (tends to be hierarchical & paternalistic) & "resistance to change" (often result of poor change process)
Brilliant challenge to the common use of the term "empowerment" in health & care. Health tools are described as "empowering" when they're actually digital companions. Helen does not use the term "empower" as it is paternalistic & not based on shifting power (agency). Read more here.The digital mediums we use in the workplace shape work & culture. Too often they are one-way communication channels that tell employees they haven't got a voice & they send signals that data is far more important than staff experience. Click here to read more.Psychological research shows that when they meet us for the first time, other people will judge us more on whether they can trust us than whether we are capable. Click here or some great advice on creating a good first impression. InnovationSetting up the emergency medical features on your phone could save your life. It allows NHS staff to see info like allergies and medical conditions, as well as who to contact in case of emergency. Do it now. Don't put it off! The move to driverless & autonomous vehicles could trigger the biggest economic & social shift of the past 100 years. Futurists predict only 15% of current number of cars on the road, few people owning cars & implications for organ donation. Find out more here.
How the Cleveland Clinic (USA) is moving towards using Artificial Intelligence to predict patient emergencies an hour or more before they happen. Find out more here.
The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges is broadening the range of capabilities it defines that doctors in training need to equip them for Quality improvement practice (& are relevant to other clinician and non-clinician colleagues). Find out more here.
Book recommendations
"If someone you barely know reads "CONNECTED" it could change your life forever" If you are interested in networks then this is a @QI_Bookclub recommendation. One of Helen's favourite books so far in 2019 is "Cascades: how to create a movement that drives transformational change". To find out more, read this recent interview with the author Greg Satell (@Digitaltonto) by clicking here.
Another book recommendation from Helen, "The Outward Mindset: Seeing Beyond Ourselves" by the Arbinger Institute. The model can powerfully help leaders & teams to move beyond behaviours that protect themselves to behaviours that advance the collective purpose of the bigger system.