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Tweets of the Week, 24 May 2019

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).

The School for Change Agents

This week saw the second live session of the School for Change Agents - Helen and Kathryn talked about how resilience is an act of defiance!

If you haven't already signed up for School, sign up here.

You can watch this week's School for Change Agents by clicking here and read through the slides by clicking here.   

More than 1,000 people joined yesterday's live virtual learning session!
Change Starts With Me.. and With Love. Catch up on Week 1 of the School for Change Agents in this blog post.

Behind the scenes of yesterday's live webinar....

More behind the scenes footage, live from mission control at Horizons HQ moments before the start of the second live webinar.

Participant Lucy thanked the School for Change Agents for a great session on #resilience as a superpower. Her takeaway messages are find a tribe to co-deliver and for personal support, help others to increase their resilience, and keep a sense of perspective. 1/3. Click the picture below for the rest of the thread.

Great to hear how the School for Change Agents has impacted Sebastian's views.

It's great to see people enjoyed the sketch note detailing the 10 ways to build your resilience. 

More ideas for how we can grow our resilience, highlighted in a great slide.
Don't forget there's no live module next week. Module 3 will take place on Thursday 6 June. In the meantime, you can keep up with your learning via the FutureLearn modules.

#Improve4Patients Tweet Chat

Last Monday Horizons facilitated the first of three tweet chats for Hugh McCaughey, the National Improvement Director for England.

These are the questions that were posed during the chat.
Hugh had three devices to tweet from!
A massive thank you to everyone who took the time to join the first #Improve4Patients tweet chat. The response was amazing, and we loved reading about your improvement work! Thank you for your generosity in sharing it with us.

There was outstanding rich content during the tweet chat, with so much wisdom and great connections made.

An incredible 777 people took part in the tweet chat! You can see a preliminary summary of the outputs here. We'll be publishing a full report soon. In the meantime you can catch up by viewing #Improve4Patients tweets.

Helen has never before posted a tweet in a tweetchat that got "liked" by others more than 1,000 times. Maybe the fact that this tweet got such a big response suggests that it's time for a new relationship between local, regional & national roles in improvement.

Don't forget to save the dates for the next two #Improve4Patients tweet chats, we'll see you there!

What the team has been up to

Kathryn and Leigh facilitated a workshop for health and wellbeing in Milton Keynes about shaping a social movement. 

Helen and Ian met with The Home Office to discuss synergies around innovation in NHS and wider emergency services.

During Hugh McCaughey's closing address at the NHSE&I Improvement Directorate away day, he stressed the importance of purpose as a guide. It connected deeply. Helen wears this bracelet everyday to remind her to keep her work grounded in purpose.
Helen listened to Sonya Wallbank's tour de force on "personal resilience during times of change" at the NHSE/I Improvement Directorate away day. 


To learn more about the brilliant Welsh Ambulance Falls framework please read this blog. Let's work together to help improve ambulance responses to falls.
Thank you to Claire Roche, the lead of the Wales Falls Framework. We're glad you we're delighted to be involved.

James Gough sharing his thoughts on the #ProjectA falls collaborative.

Great to see how that the Falls Framework has reached the USA, we're international!

Read more about the effectiveness of the Welsh Ambulance Falls framework by clicking here.

Many links to #ProjectA were drawn during the #ProjectA tweet chat.

Carol and James were brought together by #ProjectA it's great to see the programme has created such great connections.

Transforming Perceptions of Midwifery

Exciting news - 2020 will be the not only the Year of the Nurse, it will be the Year of the Midwife too!

Nursing Now England

Bev, and Ambassador Tony Longbone hosted a Facebook live session for Nursing Now England ambassadors to reflect on the first session of the School for Change Agents. You can still sign up and join in to our Change Agent community by clicking here

Mentoring ambassadors is a key part of our role in supporting Nursing Now England to deliver - sharing our seat at the table by inviting a newly registered nurse to join us is a key way to do this - and supporting them to write a blog afterwards.

One of our amazing Nursing Now ambassadors shared that they are meeting their MP to discuss Nursing Now England in the upcoming week. Do share with us if you're meeting your MP! There's more information about the challenge here.


Assessments like the Well-Led framework encourage teamwork, cooperation & shared purpose. However, innovation thrives because of diversity & discord. How do we get balance between strong governance & a disruptive culture for breakthroughs? Read more here.

Have you seen this free event open to nurses and midwives of all backgrounds and any area of nursing or midwifery? The aim of the event is have a free open space to discuss the experiences of nurses and midwifes of Black, Asian, Minority and Ethnic backgrounds. Find out more in this article.


Employee engagement/staff surveys: Why they may be problematic, why you might not be able to action the results and what to do instead (or as well as) a staff engagement surveys. Read more here.


To date, workplace & leadership learning has focused on "crystallised intelligence" (knowledge transfer & skills development). In future it will need to switch to "fluid intelligence" (ability to adapt & solve novel problems in uncharted waters. Read more here.


One of the biggest challenges that we face in improving health & healthcare is how to scale down (provide highly personalised care & support) & scale up (personalised care for a big population) at the same time.
Helen was the North East Next Generation GP group's first virtual presenter; the talk happened as an informal table discussion and quiz. A great reminder that virtual talks can be just that!