The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
The School For Change Agents
Julia thinks that the School for Change Agents programme is a great free course for anyone aspiring to improve systems and organisations from within. Sign up for the School for Change Agents here.
How can we better support NHS staff trying to deliver effective change and improvement? In this post Rosanna Hunt explores how we're trying to answer this question through out innovative approach to gathering data. Read the blog post here.
Deming's Lens of Profound Knowledge can help us to create successful improvement by looking at the 4 key components. Join the School for Change Agents to learn how best to approach the Human Behaviour element.
Nursing Now England
Great to hear about the modified RCT event on the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit! Well done Natalie Read, cant wait to see the results from the questions!
Future Midwifery
Project A
Join us for the QI Ambulance Network event on the 15th May 2019 at the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh. 'Creating Quality Improvers from the Frontline & Beyond'. Click here to register for this event.
The QI Ambulance Network event should be a great day and start of some collaboration and co-design between ambulance trusts. Register for the event here.
Looking forward to seeing many of the Project A colleagues at the QI Ambulance Network Event.
Andrew Parker doing amazing work organising the QI event and creating its link to #Project A.
Great to hear about the first initial meeting about suicide awareness and how we can help in supporting this in students. It's amazing what can be started via conversations on social media!
Patient care
Are you a patient, care, clinician or care professional in the UK? The Professional Standards Record Body would like you to complete their survey about what information should be in the core health & care (patient record). Click here to get involved.
Treating - caring for - patients as whole human beings surely leads to better outcomes for the individual, which then has positive benefits elsewhere too.
Something for healthcare organisations to reflect on: We are funnelling anxious patients to self-service technologies (SSTs) - Kiosks, websites & smartphone apps. Are we isolating people at the precise moment when they most need connection? Click here to read more.
The real importance of treating people how you would want to be treated. Lovely to hear of the impact of this GP appointment!
An interesting article about flexible working and its link to wellbeing. Click here to find out more.
Community Agency
Innovation and Change
"Story-selling" is about creating authentic stories that connect at the level of values & emotions & influence people to engage in change. Click here for an infographic that summarises the approach from the Oxford Review.
Collaboration and collective leadership are essential if we want to change systems. There are two big mindset shifts needed: 1) Shifting from traditional to collective leadership & 2) Moving away from strategic planning to emergence, Click here to find out more.
To drive innovation we need to hire for diversity and empathy! "The best approach to hiring for innovation is to seek out those who can best add to the culture you already have". Click here to read more.