The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
The School for Change Agents
We're grateful to our community for helping spread the word about The School for Change Agents. Have you signed up yet?
This seven minute talk from the British Heart Foundation talks about how community mobilising approaches, based on 'new power' can reduce cardiovascular disease: The people who will succeed in the future are those who can mobilise.
Nursing Now England
Bev loves going back to Birmingham City University to talk with the #ReturnToPractice nurses.Exciting developments for Nursing Now England in the South West!
Bev is looking forward to developing an activity pack of resources for Wolverhampton University nursing students to use when visiting local schools.
So much has been achieved with #ProjectA from a simple concept - read more about what everyone involved has achieved.
Celebrating the contributions of the brilliant ambulance staff involved with #ProjectA.
Patient representative Carol Munt had a great time being involved with the #VirtualCollaborate Zoom demonstration at #Quality2019 last week! Thanks again to Carol for being involved. Claire also enjoyed being part of the demonstration. She took part from her phone in her car...which shows the flexibility of virtual connectivity! Here's more information about the #VirtualCollaborate programme, which offers the opportunity for 10 partner organisations or systems that want to commit to developing a high level of competence in virtual hosting and facilitation for improvement to work with NHS Horizons to build their skills.
Ever wondered why innovations don’t spread across the NHS? Diane's blog on spread and complexity in the NHS offers some insights.
In our large scale efforts, we don't just need to seek out the people with positional authority. We must also find the people with informal influence. Often there are tensions & paradoxes in identifying the range of people. Read more:
Large scale transformational change won't happen just because we want it to, nor can it be willed into existence. To make change happen, we first need to overcome the myths that tend to undermine it. Read more:One of the big challenges in healthcare strategy is 'mass customisation'; creating highly personalised care at a scale of whole populations. AI has an important role to play in this. Read more:Just because a meeting, conference or workshop is very large, doesn't mean that it can't be a powerful forum for connection and learning. We need to satisfy four conditions:An interesting blog about transforming an organisation's culture.
Research shows that leaders who work in inclusive ways make higher-quality decisions, get better outcomes and their teams have lower sickness absence rates:Leadership behaviours for the future. Less operational expertise, more strategic sponsorship; less command and control, more power to autonomous teams; less delegation deflection, more complete accountability; less perfection is priority, more data-driven movement."Look after your people and they'll take care of things" Great leaders say thank you; are civil; keep things simple; take an interest in their teams...and aren't afraid to rock the boat. Read the blog."Intercultural managers are not only sensitive to the differences; they know how to work towards adjusting behaviours to maximise results." Read more:A field manual written by the CIA in 1944 on 'how to sabotage your workplace' describes accurately many of the behaviours we see at work today. Read the blog:Who energises your people?How we listen determines what part of a person comes forward.
Primary Care Networks
Helen and Ian worked with people from across the health and care system to co-create a specification for development support for Primary Care Networks.
How we tackle a particular problem or issue depends on the lens through which we see it. That's the power of working in a diverse group and of models and frameworks that enable us to see the situation from a different perspective.It was an energised event!