The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
Virtual Facilitation and Hosting

This is what we could save through the technology; check out the maths!

@WelshAmbulance is already on board! Hopefully in no time, they'll start using this technology as part of every day working, improving engagement and collaboration!

Horizons is always looking for new and innovative ways to help improve communication. During this week's Nursing Now ambassadors' virtual forum, we tested out a new tool: a virtual Mad Tea Party (inspired by Alice in Wonderland)!

The technology also allowed Helen and some ambassadors to use a virtual breakout room to have a separate conversation, it is time to rethink how we could make most of the change that technology has brought into our life!

The School for Change Agents
It's brilliant to see people excited for the new term of the School for Change Agents! The five week online course starts on 16 May, and is free to join - sign up now!

Helen and Zoe shared some content of the School for Change Agents at a Personalised Care event.

We should give more time and space for change...maybe starting by join the School for Change Agents in May? Here's where you can sign up!

#Project A
On 14th February there was a #ProjectA event focusing on improving the emergency response to people experiencing mental health crisis.
Some of our colleagues started their day very early!
This was the ethos for the day.
The event was on Valentine's Day: Helen shared a beautiful quote by quality improvement guru Avedis Donebedian: ultimately, the secret of quality is love...
The aim of the day was to set out tangible outputs that can really change and improve the ambulance response to those in mental health crisis.
Horizons' Comms Lead Leigh shared her own experience of PTSD. She talked about how it's difficult to fit into the right level of healthcare in the current system and difficult to be at A&E during crisis. She calls for a better service. Elle shared her experience as a service user; her honest truth of how it feels during a mental health crisis. Dave shared his experience of suffering from anxiety and dyslexia in front of a huge audience. He said: "I've walked in patients' shoes". So when he handles crisis as a paramedic, he puts his own experience into help patients.
The powerful sharing of living experience set the tone and initiative of the event.
The personal stories prompted reflections:
How do we value people equally and tackle stigma?
The transformation cards activity did their magic of bringing out great ideas!
The TRIZ exercise (asking how you would design a system to fail) also led to some inspired thinking.
It was tough for each group to choose one big idea, because great ideas just pop out like daffodils bulbs coming out in spring!
Learning and sharing time: colleagues from different ambulance services and their critical friends exchanged different views on improve our mental health service.
Julie Fletcher from @Scotambservice talked about her lived experiences of mental ill health and what they’re doing in Scotland to improve mental health crisis response.
Darren Earley @NWAmbulance shared the @JRCALCguidance for #mentalhealth with #ProjectA colleagues and presents his work to combat the complexity and lack of #education and training.
What unites us in responding to people experiencing mental health crisis? Thirteen UK ambulance services working as one team for #ProjectA !
At the end of the workshop, all participants lined up at the white commitment line, making commitments on what they'll do to improve mental health services.
It's great to see that our participants feel energised and informed by the workshop.
Let’s keep the momentum going.
Transforming Perceptions of Midwifery
In this video, some midwife ambassadors shared some insights on how great their profession is. Sign up to be an ambassador to help transform the perceptions of the profession!

Nursing Now England
On 14th February, there was a South regional event in Reading. The sketch notes show some highlights:
“Nurses work in the community not just in hospitals” .

Nursing is a truly extraordinary profession and it’s time to articulate the expertise used to make decisions and show pride in the profession.

Ambassadors want to inspire young people to see nursing as a first choice career with limitless potential.

Ambassadors were reigniting their pride and passion for our extraordinary careers. @sue_doheny asked nurses to engage with the conversation and reminded us that “changing our narrative starts with us”.

One of the 30 Day challenges is adding #hellomynameis to ambassadors' social media and professional presence. Here is a beautiful demonstration #hellomynameis in sign language:

A face-to-face version of the Mad Tea exercise was used to great effect:

Let's feel how proud our nurses are about their profession!

An updated version of our fab poster for young people to see how to become a nurse.

Chief Nursing Officer Ruth May pledges to boost pride in nursing.

We need more nurses. Our nurses are actively going out to showcase how great this profession is and hoping to attract more young people to join.

A “Hub of Hope” is a beautiful concept.

Love is a right!

Tips for overcoming fear from the world’s best free solo climber:

A message to extroverts from your introvert friends:

Change and Innovation
This graphic shows how @SaraRiggare a patient leader in Sweden who lives with Parkinson's disease spends only a tiny proportion of the time she focuses on her health within the formal system. Yet that's the part that we keep redesigning. Have we got it wrong?

How can we "scale down" & "scale up": supporting personal power & individualised care at a population scale?

Why should we be Getting Uncomfortable on Purpose? We could achieve so much more in change initiatives if we unleashed the energy & commitment people get from being part of a collective effort to accomplish a worthwhile purpose.

When we come up with a great new idea at work, our first inclination may be to try to secure leadership support for the project. There are multiple reasons why it is often better to share with a friend rather than a leader. To Innovate, Find a Friend not a Leader.

Leadership and teams
Sometimes we have to make career choices whether to be formal leaders who lead in conventional ways, or mavericks who see the world through different eyes. Both are worthy paths but there are extra steps for mavericks to thrive and survive. Becoming a Manager or a Maverick: The Millennial’s Choice.

For leaders to be trusted, there are 3 elements: positive relationships, consistency & good judgement/expertise. Relationships is the most important.

Dr Jody Hoffer Gittell speaking about how Relational Coordination can help improve worker well-being. A healthcare team that effectively coordinates the work of each team member can help prevent provider burnout.
Organisations attempting change projects after previous difficult/painful change projects face increased & significant risk of failure during the next project. Leaders who admit past mistakes & show they've moved on can be very effective.

To be or to do? An existential question of employee engagement.

"The stories we tell shape the values we hold, the behaviours we enact & the way we understand our world & purpose". What European fairy stories can teach the modern world about narrative and mass media:

Kahneman on the false belief that using complicated words conveys intelligence:

Don't let stereotypes define you!

And finally...
The British-Irish Dialect Quiz, where are you from?