The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world. (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
Team News
The team will be sorry to be saying farewell to our colleague Kate Pound soon - she'll be staying well-connected within our community, though.
Congratulations to Dr Xiaozhe Cai (Sherry) who graduated this week after completing her doctorate.

Future Midwifery
The Transforming Perceptions of Midwifery programme launches in Birmingham next Wednesday, 23 January. There's opportunities to get involved virtually if you can't attend in person - here's more details.

We're looking forward to lots of midwives collaborating with the launch, and the project going forward!

We're delighted to launch the #ProjectA ideas directory! It's been created in response to front-line staff feedback, to share good ideas between trusts, and for senior leadership to help implement them. Thank you to everyone who's contributed. Please share it!
It's brilliant to see the directory being shared, and people seeing lots of potential for using the learning.
The Welsh Ambulance Service has produced posters highlighting key improvement themes.
Front line staff are getting involved to help design the upcoming collaborative events.

And it's great to see collaboration between different strands of working on the same theme!

It's all about working together!

If you'd like to be involved in the collaborative events, you are very welcome. Here's more information.

The School for Change Agents
A brilliant image about the importance of a shared vision, from one of our School for Change Agents alumni. School 2019 starts on 16 May - sign up here.

We're co-creating a White Paper on the new era of change in health and care.
If you want to change the world, follow these four 'rules'.

A three part blog on the role, challenges, and impact of internal change agents.

Nursing Now England
'Become a Nurse' - the first in a suite of resources for the January Schools 30 Day Challenge.

You never know when you're inspiring someone...
The future of nursing received Royal approval! Watch the video.

A potential future nurse!
ALL nursing skills are important and valuable! Read the thread.

It's great to see Ambassadors supporting one another to be active on social media.

Our Ambassadors have a lot to say about their profession - setting up a blog is a great way of sharing your story. Here's some advice on starting a blog.

An Ambassadors network is being set up in South Yorkshire.

The American Academy of Nursing honours a small number of nurses each year for the extraordinary contribution they make by designating them 'Living Legends'. Why don't we do the same in England?
Members of the team have been involved in a design meeting about #EndPJParalysis 2019. Watch this space for a global whirlwind of making a significant difference to patients, carers, staff, and the system.

Have you wondered what the difference is between different health professionals that work in the eye department? This useful thread explains.

Empathy is such an important issue in the world of health and care improvement. We can't redesign care for people, only with people, and we need to start by stepping into their world and understanding what matters to them.

The arc of inclusion: diversity of thought - building bridges, harnessing potential. No one left behind.
For anyone interested in organisational purpose, value, vision, strategy, mission, and co-creation. Read more.

'Data walks' is a methodology that's used widely in the community sector to enable a diverse group of stakeholders to reach a common understanding of a current situation and to help make sense of data. Here's a step-by-step approach.

A new website on people-led innovation from the USA. There's lots of useful resources for community engagement with design methodology.

Anyone interested in spread/scale of change in health and care should read this.

A brilliant article on how to build a purpose-driven organisation.

Helen has ordered "This Human" about human-centred design, new ways of seeing and thinking about the world.

It was brilliant to hear Zoe Ball use #HelloMyNameIs at the start of her new radio breakfast show.

Innovation and Change
Helen often uses the 'three horizons' model for innovation planning. It helps us innovate radically for the future AND deliver today's work today. This blog says that the model has a fatal flaw and needs revising for the fast-moving future world.
A new paper on the characteristics of organisations that are agile and fit for the future.

The six factors that differentiate organisations that are successfully able to adapt and respond to change. Read the post.

This article on collective leadership in systems change was written for social entrepreneurs but it's equally relevant for changemakers in the health and care sector.
How to ensure staff understand your expectations.

A great sketchnote on the stages of team development.

A key role of managers and leaders is to reduce ambiguity and make sense of things for their teams, but how do you manage in times of great uncertainty when the future direction is not clear? Read the advice.

The seven roles within Buurtzorg's self-managed teams.

Leadership is a bit like magic. Here's six skills that leaders should practice.

"Down time, the essence of doing nothing, is essential to leadership development." Read the post.

"The power of paradox - many of the world's top entrepreneurs and great thinkers share a rare skill called 'integrative complexity' - the ability to develop and hold opposing traits, values, and ideas and then integrate them in to larger ones."

The Advancing Quality Alliance is seeking a new CEO. More information.

"Real learning is an inside-out process. It starts from a deep internal desire to know something, do something, and change something." An inspiring blog and sketchnote.

"Trust is key." Interesting reflections on the ethics of influence, inappropriate influencing tactics, and its impact.

Helen has been thinking about how we make the events and workshops we support into great learning experiences. She loved these 38 conference participation techniques.

A model for facilitation: as a facilitator you are equally aware of yourself as well as those you are working with.

Should we celebrate with a cake when our data suggests that our performance has improved?

And finally...
Time really does pass faster as you get older!